Recruiting Forum Football Talk V

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Nick be all...

I think viewers forget that there has to be hot takes on those big programs. It’s what gets people talking about the subject and makes them feel strongly one way or the other. Simple marketing tactic for them yet fans get so upset at those dudes 😂

Absolutely Pate on his current platform is money.

And that’s exactly why I don’t get worked up over what hosts say on TV or radio. They know the audience and how to engage it. I don’t pay any attention to hosts predictions or analysis. Their opinion is no more valuable than mine.
"Hopefully we're going to try to get him ready to play this week," Saban said. "But this is something nobody can predict how quickly he'll get an opportunity to do what he needs to do."
Actually, it can be predicted lol. And if Saban is saying stuff like this today, BY ain’t playing.

unless of course this is subterfuge, which I wouldn’t put past Saban
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