Recruiting Forum Football Talk V

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He enjoyed getting congratulations but didn't pass many out.

Yup, he’s a true pruitt level gump. Definitely was never a Volunteer. It’s a shame that any of us were upset when he left. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Wouldn’t trade any of our LBs for him. Not even any walkon. He showed his true colors when he left. Most likely had to…cemented when he said just business. Also showed how poor a sport he was when he ran away after the loss. If he were a real man, he would have come to the locker room to congratulate his former teammates. (I do understand leaving the field when all the students stormed out, could have been dangerous) He’s just like his mentor. Pruitt would do the exact same thing.

Being a little vindictive here, but if I were the Tennessee admin, I would wait until bama rehires pruitt at dc. Then demand a show cause from the ncaa. 😈 Of course, part of me wants to see his bama defense fall apart trying to stop CJH’s Volunteer offense. It will be glorious.
Exactly. Last night showed, a bit, what Bama has been able to get away with all these years; what we have been talking about for so long. That's why their fans are out of their minds right now, they've never seen anything like it before, and they don't know what to do...they don't know how to process it...hell, if I were them, I wouldn't either.

Hats off to that crew. Every single penalty called on Bama last night was absolutely legit and warranted. Again, it put a very bright spotlight on what they have been able to get away with all these years.

It was too big a stage for the bama ref. Option. SEC office let them have innumerable no calls on holding and at least one PI no call (offensive in the end zone). Thought that it would be enough. Nope…if the refs had truly called all those penalties on bama, it would have set ncaa records that would never be broken. Every single drive would have looked like the one at the beginning of the game where they absolutely went backwards.

The score on that game would have been so embarrassing that the bamites would have forfeited the 2nd half and there would have been no drama whatsoever.
When we get to uga, we’ll truly see if the tide has turned…so to speak. 😈😡😁
Zero Fs about Morris. Gray was the only entertainment in the 2020 season and single-handedly won a bowl game the year before. Wish we had him now. And before someone comes at me…he had 180 yards against a pretty decent Kansas team yesterday.

Nope. They can keep him. We’re doing just fine without him.

So, if he stayed…would you be willing to forfeit all the games he plays in? Including this season?

Part of the deal with the ncaa is that all the coaches that payed players were fired immediately. All the players that were paid were allowed to transfer or be embarrassed by getting kicked out of school at Tennessee. Part of our penalty was playing so short handed last year. That’s why we could play in the bowl game. ncaa couldn’t punish those who had no involvement or they would have a court case they could not win and been decimated publicly.

They are gone. They were never actually Volunteers. They just played for the gump. That’s why they folded when the going got tough.

Let it go!
I was never joking. Could feel it deep down inside. Once I saw this team play I realized it could happen. 😳

15-0 🤠


I don't get all of these posters running scenarios of how we get in the NC playoff. We are going to win all of our games. Duh.

BVS has been officially cured, some of the Vol patients just don't realize they are healed yet.
Yeah, the Dooley era is all on Tennessee for being too stupid to hire a guy with that resume just because he was a legend's son. Shoulda made Kippy Brown interim and got the cream of the crop coach the next year.

I am okay with how it all happened. But only because of the possibility that if we had gone a different way, then we would not be where we are today.

All that suffering is worth it if you consider that is the only way that things transpire to arrive in this place.

Imagine if DW didn’t get hired? Imagine if they let CRB go to ucla? Imagine if CTV wasn’t hired. And finally, imagine if CJH wasn’t hired? I shudder to think about that .

Let’s keep it yhe way it is. Let your BVS go and revel in the reality of The Tennessee Volunteers!

And lest we forget:

6-0 😎

15-0 🤠
Nope. They can keep him. We’re doing just fine without him.

So, if he stayed…would you be willing to forfeit all the games he plays in? Including this season?

Part of the deal with the ncaa is that all the coaches that payed players were fired immediately. All the players that were paid were allowed to transfer or be embarrassed by getting kicked out of school at Tennessee. Part of our penalty was playing so short handed last year. That’s why we could play in the bowl game. ncaa couldn’t punish those who had no involvement or they would have a court case they could not win and been decimated publicly.

They are gone. They were never actually Volunteers. They just played for the gump. That’s why they folded when the going got tough.

Let it go!

So, what I and a couple of others on here told all who were losing their minds and crucifying UT leaders actually happened. Who da thunk?

Negotiated settlement is the way it is done by intelligent institutions now. The AA wants no more death penalties and does not want to employ huge staff to do investigations of non-compliance with non-cooperating schools. So if your school does not want to do it the right way, you will be left to dangle in the wind for years and suffer far more loss than schools like ours because it will take a long time for the AA to get it all done. As a result, the penalties will be far worse. Folks need to turn the page on the old way of doing things. It's been dead for several years.

The correct way is for the school to do an honest investigation and inform the AA through qualified legal counsel throughout the process. Terminate and part ways with all of the offenders up front. Part of the process involves the penalties that are self imposed. If it all goes as the university represents the AA signs off on it and it all ends quietly. The penalties have already been applied during the process. If it turns out differently in some aspect than the school has represented, additional penalties are applied.

It was done right by UT.

Cornbread will get his soon.
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