Recruiting Forum Football Talk V

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I absolutely believe we did and assume we have a couple other plays we can run off the same look. Look forward to seeing them use in the near future.
I know some of y’all don’t like mainstream country but I was just listening to The Highway on XM and a song came on called “Tennessee Orange” by Meghan Moroney and it’s all about her falling for a Tennessee fan even though she grew up a Georgia fan.

It’s happening.
Orange and White by Conner Smith is essentially the song too
So saying something is grounds for getting smacked?

He is making a very stupid argument.
From the perspective of the person getting smacked, obviously yes? Doesn't mean you should smack people. Those aren't the same question.

Don't smack people. Especially women (for men).
Don't antagonize people, especially men (for women). Especially on a field where that person is not trying to interact with you.

When two people fail both of these simple rules it's a wash for me from the outside looking in. But at this point I'm defending a hypothetical that didn't happen, so I think that's a waste of time. If the consensus is that she didn't do anything except briefly get in his way, there's nothing to defend. It's a scumbag move.
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Gotta love the FF!!!
Here is their current thread topic!

Overconfidence - We are 3 last second plays away from being 3-3

And last year, we had countless posts about how we were a handful of plays and calls away from being 9-3. It is a matter of perspective, and I would rather go through life with a positive outlook rather than turning everything into a negative scenario. Just perspective. Do you want to be miserable or do you want to find the joy in life? I choose joy.

Stoops' strategy has made him rich: schedule 3 OOC gimmes, feast on low-hanging fruit-- Vandy, Mizzou and UL-- and grind out a W against a weaker cross-division opponent to get to 7 wins and collect a bonus. UT and UF being way down has gifted him games, boosting UK's recent rise and creating inflated fan expectations. Imagine what his record would be if he had played UT's schedule... and vice versa.

We'll get UK's best shot. We're their #1 rival, and their hate makes them believe they're going to come into a packed dark mode Neyland and steal a W to make their season.
I also think Tom Brady, Drew Brees, Peyton Manning, Brett Favre etc. etc. have shown that the bulk of great QB play happens after 25 in the NFL. If they can draft him and get 3-5 good years before the big money 2nd contract hits most NFL teams will do it in a heartbeat.

Long post incoming:

Agreed on after 25 part and the fact that I wouldn't hesitate to draft him if I was a GM in the 1st round, but it’s also fair to say that the bulk of QBs start their downward slope after let’s say early 30s. Very few QBs, regardless of age, are drafted in the 1st round and into a good situation for them. There is a learning curve in the NFL that most QBs struggle with a bit in year 1. Usually it’s year 2 or 3 until you really start to see it.

So let’s say it takes one year for Hooker to get going and year 2 he’s a good to great NFL QB. He’d be 26ish at that point.

Now look at how many starting QBs in the NFL right now are over 30. There are 12. One is a straight up outlier and I’m not even sure is human so let’s throw him out (Tom Brady). Two are only starting because of injuries or suspensions (Brissett and Garoppolo). Two are former starters but really are only starting because the team didn’t have better options but have actually played well this year (Geno Smith and Carson Wentz). So right now if you look there about 7 LEGIT starting QBs over 30 that have been starting QBs most of their career and aren’t superhuman (Tom Brady). Those 7 are: Matt Ryan, Aaron Rodgers, Russell Wilson, Kirk Cousins, Ryan Tannehill, Derek Carr, Matthew Stafford.

You could argue that half of that list is already starting to show they are on a slippery slope to being retired.

So that’s just age 30. If you then bump it to say 33, then that list drops 6 QBs (not counting Brady) left that are current starters and have been their entire career essentially.. and over half that list will not be playing in 2-3 years time.

So even being generous and saying Hendon would play til he’s 33 at a high, starting QB level in the NFL that would be 8 seasons. 1-3 of those seasons could still be learning years unless he hits the ground running, which is possible. If he doesn’t hit the ground running and it takes say 2 years. That’s 6 seasons left until he maybe starts to show a downward trend due to age. You’d be making the 2nd contract decision on a 29-30 years old QB. Do you give max money for a 5 year deal where you may only get 2-4 years of elite play? Probably. Great QBs don’t grow on trees, but it’s a tough decision.

This is what the scouts are looking at and why some are hesitant to draft an older QB in the 1st round.

My take: I think if he goes in the 1st round it will be later in the round to an established team that is really just a QB or a couple pieces away from making playoff runs. I WOULD draft him in the 1st round if I was a QB needy team no matter what, but I think GMs will be a bit scared. I hope they take the gamble.
Stoops' strategy has made him rich: schedule 3 OOC gimmes, feast on low-hanging fruit-- Vandy, Mizzou and UL-- and grind out a W against a weaker cross-division opponent to get to 7 wins and collect a bonus. UT and UF being way down has gifted him games, boosting UK's recent rise and creating inflated fan expectations. Imagine what his record would be if he had played UT's schedule... and vice versa.

We'll get UK's best shot. We're their #1 rival, and their hate makes them believe they're going to come into a packed dark mode Neyland and steal a W to make their season.

Smart business moves by Stoops. His contract adds a year every time he hits 7 wins. 7.
Stoops' strategy has made him rich: schedule 3 OOC gimmes, feast on low-hanging fruit-- Vandy, Mizzou and UL-- and grind out a W against a weaker cross-division opponent to get to 7 wins and collect a bonus. UT and UF being way down has gifted him games, boosting UK's recent rise and creating inflated fan expectations. Imagine what his record would be if he had played UT's schedule... and vice versa.

We'll get UK's best shot. We're their #1 rival, and their hate makes them believe they're going to come into a packed dark mode Neyland and steal a W to make their season.

True...but a rookie you draft would be cheaper than what Atlanta had to pay Marcus even as a FA. The way the NFL player's union is set up it's more cost effective to draft and hit than it is shop FA, at least from a money standpoint. It's why Seattle hitting on Wilson allowed them to be as good as they were since he was such a low draft pick and was so cheap, they could invest more in their defense and OL and be a better overall team.

The majority of QBs (as of 2018 data) are drafted aged 22-23 (out of the 48 QBs in the report 36 were this age, with 7 being older and only 5 being younger). But typically the most successful QBs are based on college experience (more is better) and less about age.

Tua left early but had played 32 games in college already. Lamar Jackson left but played a total of 38 games in college.

Hooker has played 40 games so far, so despite being in college as long as he has there isn't that much more wear on him than those guys who left after just 3 seasons. He'll end up finishing his collegiate career with no more than 49 games played.

Agreed. I think the positives outweigh the negatives on his age, but we have scouts and GMs that are drafting QBs simply because they look the part and aren’t even having great production right now *cough, Will Levis, cough*. So I don’t really trust them to make the best decisions 😂
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