Recruiting Forum Football Talk V

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So here we are. It is Wednesday. Hump Day, as they say. No game thread in sight for Saturday's "game" against UTM. Do I need to take matters into my own hands?

Little different. Atlanta needed a QB so they signed one. Yes he’s 28 but they didn’t use a 1st round pick to get him. The reason some scouts mention the age thing is because some teams are sketched out about using a 1st round draft pick on a potential franchise QB that’s a little older. Idk ages in front of me but I’d guess that elite 1st round QBs are usually closer to the 20-22 range and have a decade plus of potential playing time as a franchise QB. A decade would put Hooker at 35 years old. Not many starting franchise QBs at 35 or older in the NFL. He’s already close to the same age with no NFL experience as Tua, Lamar Jackson, Josh Allen, Patrick Mahomes, etc. And those guys took a few years (Tua still ain’t there) to get to where they are now. Josh Allen straight up SUCKED for two years before he blossomed.

I think it’s a bit overblown because if you are sure he’s an elite talent and you can get close to a decade with him, I’d pull that trigger without question, but I’m no NFL GM.

True...but a rookie you draft would be cheaper than what Atlanta had to pay Marcus even as a FA. The way the NFL player's union is set up it's more cost effective to draft and hit than it is shop FA, at least from a money standpoint. It's why Seattle hitting on Wilson allowed them to be as good as they were since he was such a low draft pick and was so cheap, they could invest more in their defense and OL and be a better overall team.

The majority of QBs (as of 2018 data) are drafted aged 22-23 (out of the 48 QBs in the report 36 were this age, with 7 being older and only 5 being younger). But typically the most successful QBs are based on college experience (more is better) and less about age.

Tua left early but had played 32 games in college already. Lamar Jackson left but played a total of 38 games in college.

Hooker has played 40 games so far, so despite being in college as long as he has there isn't that much more wear on him than those guys who left after just 3 seasons. He'll end up finishing his collegiate career with no more than 49 games played.
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