When the “next greatest thing arrives” and is extremely pricey, walk right by it to the last next greatest thing and you will get an extremely good to great TV for a fraction of the cost.
That goes for all appliances. The newest model doesn’t have all the bugs fixed yet. The next most recent model does. No problems plus a lower price is a winner every time. Was taught that by a buddy that sold appliances to home builders. He said that the custom home builders hated buying the newest models for that reason, but the custom home buyers usually demanded it…

We built our home and the look of relief on our builders face was all the confirmation that I needed when we picked last year’s models. Have had double oven and cooktop for 20 years, refrigerator as well (it’s dying slowly but can’t get a replacement until January). Replaced microwave at 15 years. Replaced dishwasher because I fell on the door and ripped it off

. It was running fine until its traumatic death.