Recruiting Forum Football Talk V

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@Ulysees E. McGill

You had asked me why I was saying the Jamie Chadwell hype would take a nose dive next year. Blown out last game. Getting blown out again. McCall made that team go.
Rumor is he will be named Liberty HC after the game. Players may know this and responding accordingly. Then again, I haven't kept up to know or care.
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Edit... Nevermind I forgot the scenario was LSU winning this game
If LSU were to win then the committee will determine where we go.
We can speculate their results but they could do the right thing ( Ohio st, TCU in ) and now that their hopes of getting Bama in are foiled they could rightly flip us and Bama ( not likely to I know) and we get the Orange Bowl.

That’s what should happen but won’t.
Pretty lazy to argue in excluded middles.
I'm citing what people are saying, not extremifying what people are saying. I'm the one saying we'd struggle mightily with top ten opponents without Hooker, but we could hang with teams below that. That's the middle. I'm pretty much the only one not excluding the middle.
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If LSU wins it would put them in Sugar Bowl, Bama in Orange Bowl, USC likely in the cotton bowl which would bump us out of a NY6 bowl, so we need lsu to lose today
Our resume>USC resume. All day, every day. USC's loss moves OSU into the playoffs and keeps them out of the Orange Bowl convo. Now, it's between us and Bama. Higher ranked team goes to Sugar. Lower goes to Orange. We aren't dropping out of the NY6. IF LSU finds a way to win, they get Sugar, and the worst we do is Cotton.
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