Recruiting Forum Football Talk V

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Close close loss by TCU.

Surely they stay at #3. No way you want UM vs OSU at 2 vs 3 (and secretly I just want GA to have to play OSU)
"We can beat anyone in the country with Milton" is pretty much saying "we are good as we were with hooker." I'm taking a slightly more moderate stance that says we can beat anyone outside the top 4 or so.
A lot of people thought we couldn't beat Bama with Hooker. This team has been surprising us all year. Saying that we could beat anyone isn't saying that we are just as good. It's expressing faith that we believe we can compete with any one, and Milton doesn't torpedo that.

How about just quit trying to shoehorn a fallacious argument in an effort to lecture UT fans for having faith?

I mean, you're welcome to keep it up of course, you just look like a dooj nozzle by doing so.
Stetson Bennett is just such a great college QB. I hate that I have to say that, and I can’t believe I’m saying it about a walk-on. Georgia will definitely take a small (I repeat small) step back without him next year. He does so many good things that go unnoticed. Manages the game. Takes care of the ball.
Before the blinding rain storm, Milton actually had much better numbers than Hooker. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Uhh...what kind of math are you using? And if you're speaking solely to efficiency numbers, keep in mind that Hooker played against 1st-team defenses in meaningful moments while Milton faced beaten down units or 2nd stringers in blowouts. Not sure how anyone compares their respective stats and makes any sort of determination about Milton.
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