Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Just a question…. How did you not know….I knew guys were juicing since the 80’s. ….

Honestly never thought about it being a thing in baseball. Was my sport growing up and I knew kids in high school that were using roids in football but none in baseball. That, and I guess couple that with being a kid in my 20s. Just didn't cross my mind. Naive I know.

Thanks for rubbing it in. LOL!
Au contraire mon frere. Unamerican elitist human time wasters are the sock-sock-shoe-shoe crowd.
I never knew this was a thing until y’all brought it up! I, of course, do sock-sock-shoe-shoe so I can check off two things on to do list by completing two tasks to accomplish doing one thing. 😂
You are assuming that your shoes are in the same place as your socks. As I was so trained by my southern raising I remove my shoes at the back door. There they remain until I leave. Therefore for when I get ready I sit down and put both socks on then walk to the door and put my shoes on.
Properly raised
Maybe……he was one of the few guys that touched upper 90’s back then…. Now almost every pitcher does…. He also pitched off the higher mound which they lowered in 1968-69.
I am sorry, but that is a terrible take. If he grew up in the time these kids are, he would be throwing harder than just about everybody.
Using incantations, drinking witches brew et al doesn’t count as “cheating” simply because it was ATTEMPTED as such. Even “greenies” don’t transform a player in his 30’s slated to top out at 450-500 home runs into the all time king…both season-wise and career. Aaron is accused of using greenies and most likely did. Being more alert and energetic didn’t make the ball leave the yard! Whatever Maris and Ruth TRIED to do didn’t net them the season record. All three EARNED their title. It’s proven that Sosa, McGwire and Bonds utilized products that artificially placed their names on records. They DID NOT EARN IT. Since the powers that be will not remove their names from the records, the only just punishment is their names missing from Cooperstown.
I’d say the Veterans Committee finds a way one day.

Bonds and Clemens should be in there - everyone knows what they did.

Guys like McGwire, Sosa, Raffy, etc - not so sure those guys deserve to be in. What were they without the edge? Pretty good…
OK Distance is the amount something travels. Like if I drove to Cookeville that is like 100 Miles. 100 Miles would be both the distance and the displacement. However, if I drove to Cookeville and back to my home, my distance would be 200 miles and the displacement would be zero. Displacement is the distance from the original starting point.
Powell High School gradgiate, Ladies and Gentlemen. You, too, @Glitch
My brother's friend is a Cisco driver and he brought home the school pizzas once. we were all excited. We cooked them and all suddenly realized that they were not as good as we once remembered.

Probably because you made them wrong and cooked them in the meecrowahvey or something.
That pizza was the 🐐
Stop trying to ruin my childhood.
Me and a couple of buddies made the trip to St. Louis to try to witness some history the year Sosa and McGuire were going at it, 1998 I believe. Turns out the history we witnessed was of the dark variety. Makes me feel cheated to this day.
I did not travel to watch them, but it was such a magical season at the time. Being a Cubs fan, I was all about Sosa, but had always admired McGwire as well. Hell, even my wife watched some games with me. I have great memories, but, like you, they are forever tarnished.
@peaygolf, we have @VolsDoc81TX on our side in the great socks and shoes debate!

You are right about that.

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