Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Sock/Shoe Configurations ranked:

1.) Shoes on both feet - you are ready for whatever the world lays at your feet.

a. socks and shoes on both feet

b. shoes with no socks

c. shoes with sock only on dominant foot

d. shoes with sock only on nondominant foot

2.) Barefoot - This is how we were meant to roam the Earth. Also implies that you are somewhere comfortable, somewhere warm. If you're in the elements, most normal socks won't make a difference. Does introduce the John McClane paradox.

3.) 1 Shoe - you still have a fighting chance. A Get-It-Done foot (preferably the dominant one) and a party foot. Does introduce misalignment that will lead to longterm disability.

a. shoe on dominant foot, barefoot nondominant

b. shoe on nondominant foot, barefoot dominant

c. shoe on dominant foot, sock nondominant

d. shoe on nondominant foot, sock dominant

4.) Socks - this implies that you are indoors, probably during the fall/winter, or that you are a ninja. not very many practical reasons or uses to be in 2 socks. Slippery. CAN keep your feet warm, but more months out of the year it's better to be barefoot than in socks. Bonus for being able to conduct electricity, but not enough to overcome being last.

a. sock on nondominant foot, barefoot dominant

b. sock on dominant foot, barefoot nondominant
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I’m a huge Koufax/Dodgers fan but I’m not so sure about that…. Dustin May for the Dodgers throws a pitch that goes 97 mph and breaks up to 17 inches…. They are talking about moving the mound back to compensate for how crazy pitchers are getting nowadays…
Actually batting averages are higher today and homeruns are way up. MLB has always tried to create more runs. I will guarantee you that Koufax and Nolan Ryan could throw just as hard as anyone to day. The difference is the radar guns

"The Night Watch" by Rembrandt, 1642. Original painting is in a separate room in the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam.

The painting is huge, 142.9" x 172", and takes up an entire wall. The left hand of the man in black appeared to me to be reaching out of the painting when I was there. There must have been 80 to 100 people in the room at the time, and it was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop.
Actually batting averages are higher today and homeruns are way up. MLB has always tried to create more runs. I will guarantee you that Koufax and Nolan Ryan could throw just as hard as anyone to day. The difference is the radar guns
Different rules too..Bob Gibson said the inside portion of the plate was his and that the batter could have the outside. These batters wear protection and hang over the plate now and go crazy when you pitch inside. Willie Mays faced Gibson one and started digging a spot with his cleats as batters did. He then remembered it was Gibson..called time then refilled the hole. I really loved baseball back then.
Going to get mocked big time..but Tostinos Pizza is the best frozen pizza. Probably not too far off from school pizza. $2>$12
My grandmother had a convenient store and whatever vendor she ordered from could get those same sheets of pizza. My dad would order several and keep them in the freezer and we'd cook them anytime we wanted pizza. So good!
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