Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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I mean while I don’t agree I get it if it’s a campus rule even though gun free zones don’t work but does he mean guys can’t go hunting or recreational shoot like in trap and skeet ranges then it’s a ridiculous rule by far
I get what he said. These kids aren’t East Tennessee bred. They’re from different parts of the US and world. Here, we’re all taught at an early age how to handle fire arms and when it’s appropriate to use them. Look at the world they are growing up in, their maybe idols posting pictures of guns brandishing on social media can have a influence on them.
Why bash him? College kids with hand guns in general is a bad combination. They rarely actually need them for protection unless they're in a situation that shouldn't be in.
My sophomore year I had an ROTC roommate whose, self-professed, biggest reason for wanting an off-campus apartment was so he could have his handgun. A gun he would frequently brandish "jokingly" and always have out. Needless to say he wasn't my roommate my junior year, and he got kicked out of ROTC then flunked out of school.

He would also whip out knives to "joke" threaten people. Highly immature and cringey "I'm an alpha male" behavior.

That's the type of behavior I imagine Barnes is talking about, but people are going to run with the literal broad brush of that simple statement.

Top 10 All-Time, even with the tire fire run of Dooley, Butch, Pruitt.

Some of the programs behind us having their glory years during our worst years, still haven't caught up. And their fans would have you think they've been better since the inception of the game.

Can't wait to close in on a couple ahead of us, and distance ourselves from the jealous ones.
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As you're aware, Rick Barnes doesn't want shooters on his basketball teams.
Lol, lmao even at thinking Barnes is anti-2a because of his policy. It obvious what he means. You can have firearms, you just can't "have" firearms and go waving them around in clubs or on your Instagram.

Or give one to your buddy so he can murder a woman.
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I personally have no problem with #2. Guns + college kids opens the door to a world of trouble.

I would have a problem with a coach dictating that players can't exercise their constitutional rights. Imagine a coach telling his players that they can't take part in protests or vote.
I would have a problem with a coach dictating that players can't exercise their constitutional rights. Imagine a coach telling his players that they can't take part in protests or vote.
If my school, church or workplace don’t allow guns on property, I follow the directives or go off the grid. Pretty sure Barnes doesn’t march to their homes and confiscate weapons. So this has nothing to do with 2A.
I would have a problem with a coach dictating that players can't exercise their constitutional rights. Imagine a coach telling his players that they can't take part in protests or vote.

You can own one. You can’t have it on campus. You can’t have it at Neyland and it has nothing to do with your rights.
Hey guys,
Just a quick update on my son's heart procedure. I flew from Dallas to Boston yesterday and drove to New Hampshire--Dartmouth Medical Center--where the surgery was to take place. The doctors were the best and his surgery was a success. They told me that he's gonna be fine and there should not be an issue with his heartbeat going forward. I'm told the Dartmouth Medical Center is considered a world class facility and I believe it. It's hard to believe that Dartmouth is in such a small town. I always pictured Ivy League Schools to be in large cities.

Anyway, I'll be up here in Vermont for a few more days before heading back to Dallas. Way too much snow around here for me :):).
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