Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Hey guys,
Just a quick update on my son's heart procedure. I flew from Dallas to Boston yesterday and drove to New Hampshire--Dartmouth Medical Center--where the surgery was to take place. The doctors were the best and his surgery was a success. They told me that he's gonna be fine and there should not be an issue with his heartbeat going forward. I'm told the Dartmouth Medical Center is considered a world class facility and I believe it. It's hard to believe that Dartmouth is in such a small town. I always pictured Ivy League Schools to be in large cities.

Anyway, I'll be up here in Vermont for a few more days before heading back to Dallas. Way too much snow around here for me :):).
That is the best news we will have today. Very happy for you and your son!!!
I believe it. Because I like to shoot. Do they need to have them with them because they like to shoot?
You'd have to ask them. Also, they're sort of celebrities so having them for personal protection is plausible too. Many of these players don't live in University dormitories. I don't fault them for wanting to own a firearm as long as they're legally allowed to own one.
Hey guys,
Just a quick update on my son's heart procedure. I flew from Dallas to Boston yesterday and drove to New Hampshire--Dartmouth Medical Center--where the surgery was to take place. The doctors were the best and his surgery was a success. They told me that he's gonna be fine and there should not be an issue with his heartbeat going forward. I'm told the Dartmouth Medical Center is considered a world class facility and I believe it. It's hard to believe that Dartmouth is in such a small town. I always pictured Ivy League Schools to be in large cities.

Anyway, I'll be up here in Vermont for a few more days before heading back to Dallas. Way too much snow around here for me :):).
Praise God!
It’s a team rule, not an infringement on constitutional rights. If a player disagrees with the rule and wants to exercise their right to own a gun, there are 350+ D1 basketball programs. I’m sure there are plenty that don’t have a team rule against guns.
Markets are amazing that way.
Rick Barnes made that "no firearms" statement in light of the Alabama basketball murder, the tragedy that happened with the New Mexico and NMSU basketball teams, and Ja Morant's recent antics.

He's talking about the inherent danger, distraction, and the drama.
Yeah...I mean I'm about as hard-core of a 2nd amendment guy as they come...but I understood what he said do I didn't go all in with the freakout because it is common sense.
Also regardless of NCAA tournament seed. Mizzou won't make it out of the first weekend. A team with their offensive and defensive metrics has never won a game in the NCAA tournament.
It’s a team rule, not an infringement on constitutional rights. If a player disagrees with the rule and wants to exercise their right to own a gun, there are 350+ D1 basketball programs. I’m sure there are plenty that don’t have a team rule against guns.
I'm pretty sure that Barnes never said they can't "own" a gun...that would definitely be a big time violation of their constitutional rights.
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