Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Hey guys,
Just a quick update on my son's heart procedure. I flew from Dallas to Boston yesterday and drove to New Hampshire--Dartmouth Medical Center--where the surgery was to take place. The doctors were the best and his surgery was a success. They told me that he's gonna be fine and there should not be an issue with his heartbeat going forward. I'm told the Dartmouth Medical Center is considered a world class facility and I believe it. It's hard to believe that Dartmouth is in such a small town. I always pictured Ivy League Schools to be in large cities.

Anyway, I'll be up here in Vermont for a few more days before heading back to Dallas. Way too much snow around here for me :):).
That's great news. Happy for you and your family.
I would have a problem with a coach dictating that players can't exercise their constitutional rights. Imagine a coach telling his players that they can't take part in protests or vote.

It’s a team rule, not an infringement on constitutional rights. If a player disagrees with the rule and wants to exercise their right to own a gun, there are 350+ D1 basketball programs. I’m sure there are plenty that don’t have a team rule against guns.
Hey guys,
Just a quick update on my son's heart procedure. I flew from Dallas to Boston yesterday and drove to New Hampshire--Dartmouth Medical Center--where the surgery was to take place. The doctors were the best and his surgery was a success. They told me that he's gonna be fine and there should not be an issue with his heartbeat going forward. I'm told the Dartmouth Medical Center is considered a world class facility and I believe it. It's hard to believe that Dartmouth is in such a small town. I always pictured Ivy League Schools to be in large cities.

Anyway, I'll be up here in Vermont for a few more days before heading back to Dallas. Way too much snow around here for me :):).

Go Ski at Stowe or Killington.
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I nominate @SmokinBob to attend all the Tennessee games this season.

Do I have a second?

All in favor say Aye.

@SmokinBob may be the key to

15-0 🤠

Now that we have the football season handled…what’s your recent record for basketball? Men’s and women’s…

Now, if I remember correctly, you attended the uga game with your dawg husband. Maybe you were conflicted? We’re going to need a pure and resolute approach to this season. Your husband will actually become a better man if the dawgs experience a humbling lopsided loss to the Vols this season. We need you to be all in! Do it for your husband’s growth and the good of all VolNation Actually, all humanity will benefit from a dawg beatdown in Neyland Stadium this Fall.
😁 I’m all in!!! (And I was NOT at the USCjr game)

We’re trying to find a spot to park the RV at Hoover this year - if we can, I’ll be there!!!
This is happening a lot to people today apparently..I asked my hubby who he picked in the Arky/Aub game and he said he didn’t pick because he has lost 10 games today and running out of house money. 🤦‍♀️
General rule of thumb is: The bigger the games get (the more eyeballs and betting money into games) the tighter the spreads get.

Such as betting the SB or NFL playoff games - sucker bets.

I'd say bet random games/sports no one is paying attention to. Those are where the loose spreads are. And player props. College basketball will be very tight from here on out.
Guns, even handguns aren't solely for personal protection. Believe it or not, some people just like to shoot.

Bit off-topic, but I'm aways reminded of that Jim Jeffrey bit on guns in safes about protection in the household, along with responsible safety of the gun with kids around, "hold on bad man I'm getting my stay right there....5....left 30...." 😅

I used to shoot my pellet at gondoliers as a kid. It was ok, but got bored of it just standing in a field doing the same thing over and over again. I could see maybe paintball with the action. I had more fun constructing my own rubber band guns from woodwork tbh. Building shiz was awesome as a kid

Top 10 All-Time, even with the tire fire run of Dooley, Butch, Pruitt.

Some of the programs behind us having their glory years during our worst years, still haven't caught up. And their fans would have you think they've been better since the inception of the game.

Can't wait to close in on a couple ahead of us, and distance ourselves from the jealous ones.

I recall looking at this early in the Dooley years. I lived in NYC and was trying to persuade coworkers Tennessee was a great all-time program (they weren’t buying it). Amazing Tennessee would get much worse before they got better, and they still hung on to that 10 spot.

LSU still being above Georgia is surprising- sadly, Georgia is the one I think could/will supplant Tennessee at their current rate - by most measures (wins, AP finishes, SEC titles, etc).

Clemson at 18 after the last decade sure proves they are a Johnny-come-lately.
General rule of thumb is: The bigger the games get (the more eyeballs and betting money into games) the tighter the spreads get.

Such as betting the SB or NFL playoff games - sucker bets.

I'd say bet random games/sports no one is paying attention to. Those are where the loose spreads are. And player props. College basketball will be very tight from here on out.
That’s how I won the majority of my bets….. I bet on the games that no one paid attention too….I remember one year riding Antwaan Randle-el of Indiana(still a much higher division team than I would usually wager) One game they were favored by 7 against Louisville… I put 1,000 on it….. They won 77-7… I won so much money on that team bc they were one of the worse teams in college football the year before… it took Vegas over half a season to realize that Indiana was a much different team with Randle-el at qb.
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Bit off-topic, but I'm aways reminded of that Jim Jeffrey bit on guns in safes about protection in the household, along with responsible safety of the gun with kids around, "hold on bad man I'm getting my stay right there....5....left 30...." 😅

I used to shoot my pellet at gondoliers as a kid. It was ok, but got bored of it just standing in a field doing the same thing over and over again. I could see maybe paintball with the action. I had more fun constructing my own rubber band guns from woodwork tbh. Building shiz was awesome as a kid
Standing and shooting at stationary targets over and over would get boring to me. But, changing distances, angles and trying to be accurate changes things up a bit. There are all kinds of competitions that are serious sports, (some were even on espn).

As to paintball, at about 12 my son wanted to get into airsoft. I knew nothing about it. Researched it. Holy shiz! It was incredible how serious people took it. Old and young. Guns were into the thousands. We procured an arsenal and had fun playing.

It was a great way to teach gun safety. I purchased a cheap storage cabinet and I called it his "safe". He had to always place his guns in his safe after use. He had to always practice muzzle discipline. He had to always treat it as it was loaded. We had fun (and still have fun playing airsoft although less frequently).

I too enjoy building/constructing (as evidenced by my chosen profession). I enjoy assembling AR-15s. As a friend once told me, " ARs are like Barbie dolls for grown men." You can dress them up all different ways, different calibers, different colors, different furniture. It's a hobby I enjoy. They're fun to shoot as well. I have a range on my property and have steel to shoot at.
It’s a team rule, not an infringement on constitutional rights. If a player disagrees with the rule and wants to exercise their right to own a gun, there are 350+ D1 basketball programs. I’m sure there are plenty that don’t have a team rule against guns.
I’m sure that team rule like many others has been broken.
Bit off-topic, but I'm aways reminded of that Jim Jeffrey bit on guns in safes about protection in the household, along with responsible safety of the gun with kids around, "hold on bad man I'm getting my stay right there....5....left 30...." 😅

I used to shoot my pellet at gondoliers as a kid. It was ok, but got bored of it just standing in a field doing the same thing over and over again. I could see maybe paintball with the action. I had more fun constructing my own rubber band guns from woodwork tbh. Building shiz was awesome as a kid
My dad built a hidden compartment into his headboard.
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