Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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He played as a freshman for the former Texas staff, they tried to bulk him up to play LT but that's not where he needs to be naturally. Sark got there and valued big body, huge frame OL, so he got lost in the shuffle. He's a more athletic OL that should be a RT or inside OL that can get up the field to block. I think we knew what we were getting and he will contribute.

He was on the all-academic team and has starting reps under his belt. What more can you ask for in the portal than a smart, experienced OL that can come in and push your starters or be one himself?
I can ask a lot more from a transfer, but your point is valid that he has potential.
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He’s a great run blocker. May never be the greatest pass blocker but if he is someone that can improve our run blocking and open up more holes for our 3 backs, I think this would be a good investment. It’s not a bad pickup at all
I don't think it's bad. I just questioned the mega boom post over him.
I don't think it's bad. I just questioned the mega boom post over him.
it's the recruiting forum, commits are the lifeblood, we live for commits


Serious question. Because he was a backup at Texas, how does that predetermine that he'll be a backup at Tennessee?

Totally different systems with totally different wants/needs.

He may never be anything but a backup here but the thing about it is, neither me or you know that answer.
Adam Sandler figured it out. Do all your filming on-location in the most beautiful places. Hot co-star. Always write parts for your friends so they eat forever. Play basketball when you want, always cool with everyone so you never have to deal with BS.

Hustle and Uncut Gems were both good movies
belt. What more can you ask for in the portal than a smart, experienced OL that can come in and push your starters or be one himself?
Some folks don't seem to be able to think that part through. It's the portal. You're not looking for guaranteed, day-1.

Hell, by Debbie's logic, we can't boom high school recruits at a place of need. I mean, they weren't even college backups this time last year!
I don't dislike, but a mega boom post over a guy who couldn't grab the starting job at his last stop seems a little disproportionate, imo

You literally said a guy with 1 tackle (Jordan Phillips) transferring might sting. You are doing the same exact thing you are complaining about. Turn autopilot off please.
I think Karic can be the equal of Mincey or Crawford at RT, that's probably his best case scenario. He would really be best in a Kyle Shanahan type outside zone offense where he is pulling a lot and getting in space. His arm length and lack of true tackle size is going to prevent him from being an upper level OT, but those players aren't exactly falling out of the portal on a regular basis and we need the bodies. People talk about him moving inside to guard, but it is worth noting that Texas had an opening at OG when a 3 year starter went down in preseason camp with an ACL tear and they started a true freshman (not even one of the true blue chip recruits) there all season rather than Karic, so apparently that staff thought OG wasn't a good fit for his skill set. Still, he's a smart kid with a nasty disposition and P5 starting experience, so at worst he's going to be quality depth and at best we'll get a decent starter.
Shows how much you actually followed us. 😏 Wanted to retain him but he’s not a $25 mil per year player. Cubs got a good one, but they need a lot more. Difference in wanting to keep vs STRESS. Lot more built up in certain Dodgers minds over our roster than reasonable Braves fans.
I don’t understand what teams like the cubs are doing….. the Astros laid the blue print for the cubs to follow.
you're not wrong. but no staff since fulmer has actually put results on the table to match the bravado/hype or whatever one likes to call it in regards to their own version of "culture". I don't recall hearing anyone the past two years even intimating that there's anything "fake" about what is going on with the football program. it's still early in the tenure, and i'm not predicting anything. but in a results oriented's really hard to argue with any of the results we've gotten up to this point. so if one wants to hedge a bet, it might actually be safe to do so with this staff..........
I don’t disagree. At the least, the staff has more than earned patience.
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