Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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He ain’t good enough for a Chihuahua senor!
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My little buddy likes to go on walks, but our pace with the bigger dogs wears him out. He walks until he’s worn out, then into the backpack he goes. Much easier than carrying him. 😎

Does he have a little cooling pack on too? Regardless, he's adorable. Great pic!
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The NCAA wants to impose harsher sanctions than UT is willing to accept. UT took a post-season ban and other things detrimental to those who do not deserve it off the table during negotiations, but the NCAA is playing hard ball. So UT walked away from the table. Unfortunate outcome that will drag things out, but not completely unexpected by all. Counsel advised that the NCAA had been trending this way. And, of course, the NCAA finds a way to punish a school they feel needs punishing.

NCAA has more to lose at this point than we do. The best thing for them would be to come to amenable terms with us. Punish the hell out of coaches/assistants if they feel they need to show they still have teeth, hold us up as a paragon of self-reporting (even if they don't believe it) and tout all the scholarships we've docked ourselves. Basically, they need to live to fight another day because it's a big loss to punish schools that self-report and even worse PR when those schools clean house. We have a good public perception right now and what's out in the open is stuff that no one would be punished for under current rules.

The NCAA will lose everything it they push too hard and the SEC flexes its muscles because other confrences are right behind us on that. The fact that we took Texas and Oklahoma shows that conferences are a step away from going back to how it was before the NCAA reined things in. We have enough to run things and they know it. I still think there's a place for the NCAA in today's world (someone has to play cop and enforce rules) but they can def. usher in the beginning of the end if they push too hard.

Too many schools UNC, Duke, Miami, etc that were accused of far more got away with no punishment. It would be a PR disaster to hit us harder than the public feels we deserve and right now the public is on our side.
The NCAA claimed the new NCAA was going to start going after the perpetrators and not the schools as much. Then by their own words they said Tennessee handled this investigation how they are supposed to be handled. To come down hard now so long after all folks involved are long gone to think that they would come down hard on the present establishment is definitely something worth defending to the hilt. I cannot fathom they would do this but if they do we would be weak and stupid no to sue them to the sun don’t shine. I do expect the sec will side with us, this has much more to do with the NCAA’s inconsistent and untimely rulings. It is a farce.
Fried okra, when done right, is sooooo very yummy. One of my favorite foods but IDK if you cook... it's got a weird gooey texture before you bread it. It's the main reason (I think) that okra is so divisive. Before the soul food craze introduced the rest of the country to real fried okra many rightfully thought it was awful because they weren't cooking it right. I don't know if you know what Natto is (it's a Japanese sticky gooey bean) and it's about the only thing that compares to the sticky gooey sliminess of unfried okra. And prepping okra is kinda icky because you have to deal with that sliminess to bread it. There's a reason very few still make it from scratch (most are buying frozen breaded/fried okra and fooling you).

I don't really cook much but I do make some great fried okra (from scratch). First time I made it though it really did weird me out how slimy it was.

And FWIW, I don't think I could do okra in milk. That would be gross to me but I don't like milk.
soak it in vinegar and it will knock off the slime
Intermittent money printing might maintain the illusion of progress for a bit longer, but eventually the attendant disincentives for personal responsibility will reveal the opposite of progress.
One country's quantitative easing for a decade has little to do with greatly progressing worldwide education, health, civil, and safety standards over the last 100+ years. Which is what I was discussing.

What the crap 😅

Some just want to really believe the world is worse off...despite all the facts against it. NegaDawgs 😅
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