Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Right, this team had crazy turnover. I hardly recognize anyone not on the mound.

I get we were ranked highly early due to TV and what he's been able to do...but this feels like UF's team last year. They started out near the top because they had crazy young talent...and it took them a year.

This just feels like it could be a rebuilding year. AND/OR we are playing the best of the best rn and we aren't that. And that's ok. There will be down years obviously.

Just hope people keep supporting these kids at the end of the day. Long season left to go.
I remember seeing Auburn walk out to field on Neyland in 03 or 04. Its the first time I really remember seeing a big difference in the size of great teams vs ours. Lbers were End size, CB's were Safety size etc.

You tell me...

I always wondered, how is Friday to Sunday 3 days. Shouldn't it be the third day with Friday being the first..not 3 days?

The expression "one day and one night" was a Jewish idiom for indicating a day, even when only part of a day was indicated. It can be seen in several places in the Old Testament such as 1 Samuel and Genesis.
The Jewish "day" also didn't start until evening. This was because light came from darkness. On the first day. So if Jesus was crucified on Friday before nightfall, that would be day one. Friday evening to Saturday evening would be day two and Saturday evening until the Sunday morning when Christ was resurrected would be considered day three.
Yep and poster admitted to talking trash (trolling imo) when bored. Seems several posters like to troll for the attention it brings. Ignore is a good feature.
Tread cautiously. He starts a lot of recruit threads. Ignore him and you’re doing the same with them.
Tread cautiously. He starts a lot of recruit threads. Ignore him and you’re doing the same with them.
I know. He is in the same category as Marco, both like to troll when bored (by their own admission). Ignore is reserved for obvious trolls👍
I know. He is in the same category as Marco, both like to troll when bored (by their own admission). Ignore is reserved for obvious trolls👍

Link to where I said that, please. Just because I make sarcastic comments from time to time.... I really don't think thats trolling. Maybe don't be so sensitive to internet words?
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I know we lost quite a few kids, but damn, we are not even close to the same team we were a year ago... We saw this coming, but I didn't realize there would be this big of a gap... Hopefully we can continue to get better and won't roll over...
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Is that something the state will do or do I need to hire a private person? I'm in Knox County, does UT offer that kind of thing? Maybe a county extension agency?
Go to eagle bend and talk to them. Get in some bird watching whilw you're there. Excellent place to watch and observe shore birds
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