Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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I've got a spring fed, 1/3 acre pond. It's about 10' deep at its maximum. I originally stocked it several years ago with channel cats, hybrid bluegill, and largemouth bass, all fingerlings. Over the years the catfish and the bluegill seem to be gone and I've got a pond full of 12" or smaller largemouth. I know the hybrids don't reproduce so I know they're probably gone from that. I restocked the bluegill and catfish about 5 years ago but never saw them again. I decided to give it another shot and put in 100 cats and 100 red ear sunfish. I also put in 3 pounds of bull head minnows.

I suspect the last time I stocked they either went over the dam, were eaten by the bass, or heaten by a great blue heron. Before stocking this time I added a significant brush pile. There wasn't much structure for them to hide under before. I released them in the brush pile and a cattail patch in one corner.

Anything you would recommend to help these fingerlings? They were tiny - about 2" on the bluegill and 4" on the catfish. Should I try and feed them?

My cousin has the same scenario in N. Ga. He had the UGA fisheries Dept come in and do some shocking and then provided a report. He loaded his pond with shad minnows. They provide food and reproduce. Too early to tell but he is hopeful this solves his problem.

Not sure how close your pond is to a school, but it may be worthwhile to check on this.
CTV needs to sign you up on staff asap

Falls short on the punch. Overused and silly. Try harder.

Playing the game at the collegiate level helps one understand what one sees.

The pitch location planning is intentional - they stated they want them working the upper part of the zone openly. Several of us see a developmental issue in the SPs. Seems we are seeing it repeatedly being a problem against the better hitting teams, don't we? Whereas we are not seeing it as a problem with the relievers other than Halverson who are keeping the ball down in the zone and working the edges. Far less walks, WPs and HBPs with lower ERAs.

Repeating issue year after year with not holding runners. That's on the coaching. They have stated openly that they don't emphasize it. They obviously don't care because they also convert OF'ers into mediocre or worse catchers. At least Russell had a gun for an arm. Dickey is not even a bullpen catcher at this point.
Falls short on the punch. Overused and silly. Try harder.

Playing the game at the collegiate level helps one understand what one sees.

The pitch location planning is intentional - they stated they want them working the upper part of the zone openly. Several of us see a developmental issue in the SPs. Seems we are seeing it repeatedly being a problem against the better hitting teams, don't we? Whereas we are not seeing it as a problem with the relievers other than Halverson who are keeping the ball down in the zone and working the edges. Far less walks, WPs and HBPs with lower ERAs.

Repeating issue year after year with not holding runners. That's on the coaching. They have stated openly that they don't emphasize it. They obviously don't care because they also convert OF'ers into mediocre or worse catchers. At least Russell had a gun for an arm. Dickey is not even a bullpen catcher at this point.
Calling any of this out will get the church of tony out in droves to attack you. But you’re right.
He died but I hear He will rise tomorrow
Just out of curiosity - I ask because I had read where some sects see the wafer/cracker/bread as the literal body of christ. They say they are actually eating the flesh and body of christ. Catholics maybe? I forget. Just found that interesting

But is there a sect that sees the dying and rising each year as literal? Or is just universally a rememberance thing? Because I hear a lot of people say that, "he has risen" phrase, and I'm curious if that is metaphorical for all or literal for some.

Dollander has given up 20 earned runs in 43 innings. He gave up 21 earned runs all of last year. In 79 innings.

Burns has given up 21. Gave up 26 all of last year.

Not trashing these dudes at all, they’re absolute studs. But providing more info on the starting pitching.
Not sure what's going on. I'm sure teams gave scouted them some but they are both better than what they've shown. Still time to get it fixed but not a great deal of time.
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could just be the team is young. and have a lot of expectations. they are getting better and are playing the number two team
Right, this team had crazy turnover. I hardly recognize anyone not on the mound.

I get we were ranked highly early due to TV and what he's been able to do...but this feels like UF's team last year. They started out near the top because they had crazy young talent...and it took them a year.

This just feels like it could be a rebuilding year. AND/OR we are playing the best of the best rn and we aren't that. And that's ok. There will be down years obviously.

Just hope people keep supporting these kids at the end of the day. Long season left to go.
Just out of curiosity - I ask because I had read where some sects see the wafer/cracker/bread as the literal body of christ. They say they are actually eating the flesh and body of christ. Catholics maybe? I forget. Just found that interesting

But is there a sect that sees the dying and rising each year as literal? Or is just universally a rememberance thing? Because I hear a lot of people say that, "he has risen" phrase, and I'm curious if that is metaphorical for all or literal for some.

Transubstantiation Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
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Exactly. We are in a very good place right now with the copes I see flying around about the Vols.

It went from:

Heupel sucks, he only had success with Frost's players and got worse every year at UCF, Vols won't make a bowl for years to come


Lol big deal, Vols won 7 games, Heupel just got lucky with Hooker


Vols had a decent run under Hooker, but now that he's hurt and out of eligibility, they will come back down to earth


Okay, Milton beat Clemson, but they were playing a freshman QB and they aren't really the Clemson of the past, they had a down year


Hooker may be getting first-round buzz but it's all smoke and mirrors, he's actually a terrible QB who only produces because of the system he's in

The goalposts...they are a-moving.
Spot on, a very good post!
Just out of curiosity - I ask because I had read where some sects see the wafer/cracker/bread as the literal body of christ. They say they are actually eating the flesh and body of christ. Catholics maybe? I forget. Just found that interesting

But is there a sect that sees the dying and rising each year as literal? Or is just universally a rememberance thing? Because I hear a lot of people say that, "he has risen" phrase, and I'm curious if that is metaphorical for all or literal for some.


Yes it is the Roman Catholics. They believe in transubstantiation. Basically as you intake the wine and the bread, it converts to the blood and the body.

Protestants see it as metaphorical in that it's supposed to be a reminder from the last supper, of what Christ would suffer.

Not sure about the dying and rising each year being literal. I do know that there's some sects in the Philippines that nail themselves to a cross each year.

"He has risen" can be an annual or even a daily reminder. Christ rose from the tomb after 3 days. It's a lot of what the Christian belief is based on. If he doesn't rise from the grave like he said he would, then he is a liar who had some thoughtful phrases on how to live life. Because He has risen, it changed everything. Jews were no longer bound under Levitical law because the ultimate sacrifice had been made (prior, they would sacrifice animals in atonement for their sins). You no longer have to find an altar to repent. Non-Jews (Gentiles) could approach God under the new covenant and no longer required physical circumcision.
Easter, and the phrase "He is risen" is a reminder that for that to be true, it required sacrifice. The shedding of blood. And Jesus claimed that his shedding of blood was to forever wash away our sins for those who repented.
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Yes it is the Roman Catholics. They believe in transubstantiation. Basically as you intake the wine in the bread, it converts to the blood and the body.

Protestants see it as metaphorical in that it's supposed to be a reminder from the last supper of what Christ would suffer.

Not sure about the dying and rising each year being literal. I do know that there's some sects in the Philippines that nail themselves to across each year.

"He has risen" can be an annual or even a daily reminder. Christ rose from the tomb after 3 days. It's a lot of what the Christian belief is based on. If he doesn't rise from the grave like he said he would, then he is a liar who had some thoughtful phrases on how to live life. Because He has risen, it changed everything. Jews were no longer bound under Levitical law because the ultimate sacrifice had been made (prior, they would sacrifice animals in atonement for their sins). You no longer have to find an altar to repent.
Easter, and the phrase "He is risen" is a reminder that for that to be true, it required sacrifice. The shedding of blood. And Jesus claimed that his shedding of blood was to forever wash away our sins for those who repented.

I always wondered, how is Friday to Sunday 3 days. Shouldn't it be the third day with Friday being the first..not 3 days?
Heupel is here to stay and recruiting is on a path to the moon from where it was just 2-3 classes ago.

Saban better prep for his annual anoscopy if he decides to never retire...and his biannuals done inside of Neyland by a Vol doctor won't be performed gently...

Now, now, let’s try to keep football-related posts in the Baseball or Religion forums.
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