Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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I just looked up the Bama depth chart and an ad for Dodge Chargers popped up on the Gump page first thing! Not making this up.
Yes. I add a little sugar. It’s delicious and a good solid low fat high protein snack.
Mayfield is the best ever cottage cheese...if you haven't tried it you're missing out.
Mayfield is the best ever cottage cheese...if you haven't tried it you're missing out.
I was just in Knoxville for the week. You all don't know how lucky you are to have access to both Mayfield and weigels for local fresh dairy.

And moose tracks. I can never find moose tracks unless it's the crappy off brand that tastes like cold nothingness.
I have somehow never seen it. . .
me venturing out of the Recruiting Forum to any other part of this site:

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1. Recruiting Forum Football Talk Thread
2. Premiere League and World Soccer Thread

The only two places I really go on VN. I barely make it into the player threads these days but that’s just more of not having the time to keep up with it all.
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