Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Tonight I’m on my “once every three months” rewatch of videos from last years bama game. I was front row of the student section, and probably one of the first feet in the endzone after the kick went through. I get tears in my eyes every time I watch videos from every single angle of that night. Just sharing this because damn - how lucky are we that we got to experience that night together? Unbelievably thankful (and excited for more of those nights with all of you).

Man, I was cleaning out my bedside table yesterday and first thing on top was my bag of grass from the field lol.
Tonight I’m on my “once every three months” rewatch of videos from last years bama game. I was front row of the student section, and probably one of the first feet in the endzone after the kick went through. I get tears in my eyes every time I watch videos from every single angle of that night. Just sharing this because damn - how lucky are we that we got to experience that night together? Unbelievably thankful (and excited for more of those nights with all of you).
You only watch the game once every three months? Rookie numbers
I do think it's a little strange how the Michigan fans act towards Joe Mitlon vs how the VA Tech ones did towards Hendon Hooker. VT fans seemed to generally want the best for him, whereas it's nothing but salt from Michigan fans.[/QUOT
Michigan fans are scared of what is going on in Knoxville. Milton is going to make them wish they had him back.
From the baseball forum
Again this comes down to it went south when they moved him and while they tried to save it….it ultimately isn’t going to be saved because the kid doesn’t want to be here.
Good luck to him. Hope it works out. I think the staff knew what they were doing and I think they'll know what to do going forward.
From the baseball forum
Again this comes down to it went south when they moved him and while they tried to save it….it ultimately isn’t going to be saved because the kid doesn’t want to be here.
Bro was trash on the mound for that stretch. If he can't take accountability for that trash, there's the door.
Nah he's going to be an elite defender with that bounce, speed, and shot blocking. No one's playing back to the basket bully ball. His only question mark is health due to that height. He will fill out he's just 19.

I am probably reaching calling him a liability as a defender overall. Away from the basket he will still be good. He may be able to grow into being a really good defender inside but a guy like that has a hard time filling out. Injuries with that height are definitely a concern. Excited to watch him overall though.
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I understand it if Burns is not happy about losing the starting role. But leaving like like it will burn a lot of bridges, no pun intended. Hate to see a Tennessee kid that has obviously meant a lot to fans and this program go out like this. Especially if it's to another sec school. I hate that legacy doesn't mean anything anymore. That guy was heroic in some big spots this year, abs last, and we loved him for it. Seems such a waste. Wish him well either way, but not gonna lie it'll suck to see him dressed in another uni if it comes to that.
I understand it if Burns is not happy about losing the starting role. But leaving like like it will burn a lot of bridges, no pun intended. Hate to see a Tennessee kid that has obviously meant a lot to fans and this program go out like this. Especially if it's to another sec school. I hate that legacy doesn't mean anything anymore. That guy was heroic in some big spots this year, abs last, and we loved him for it. Seems such a waste. Wish him well either way, but not gonna lie it'll suck to see him dressed in another uni if it comes to that.
Hope this isn't one of those "what the hell was I thinking?" questions he'll be asking himself in 20yrs.
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