Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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This is for anyone that even considered leaving that game or any close UT game.

I was there as well…. It was an awesome game!
Hey man, I'm just being honest. I wasn't the only person walking out -- people were leaving in droves. Over the years, I've heard thousands of people say they stayed until the end yet the stands were 2/3 empty when the fumble happened.

I'll stay until the end if we have a fighting chance. That game is the only one in 40+ years of UT football I screwed up. It was seriously over. Only a miracle could save us and we got it.
Hey man, I'm just being honest. I wasn't the only person walking out -- people were leaving in droves. Over the years, I've heard thousands of people say they stayed until the end yet the stands were 2/3 empty when the fumble happened.

I'll stay until the end if we have a fighting chance. That game is the only one in 40+ years of UT football I screwed up. It was seriously over. Only a miracle could save us and we got it.
I was watching the Dobbs come back game vs USCe. Everyone had stopped watching and started playing pool or drinking more. I always felt like we'd come back, wasn't really nervous for some reason, even though it was looking hopeless.

That's one of the least talked about great comeback games I can think of.

As far the Arkansas game, I think tons of people had checked out and were leaving. . . with @Jackcrevol leading the pack down the ramp.
I just drove by it the other day, looked the size of a small Walmart. At some point, is it too big? I don't want to spend 5 minutes parking and walking across a parking lot on a road trip...that's the whole point of a "convenience" store.

It’s a one stop place for me on road trips. It may be 30 minutes, but it’ll be my one fuel stop, one bathroom break (hopefully), and my meal/snacks.
Sec bball opponents per on3:

home games include matchups with Alabama, Auburn, Florida, Kentucky, LSU, Ole Miss, South Carolina, Texas A&M and Vanderbilt. Tennessee will hit the road for contests at Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi State, Missouri, South Carolina, Texas A&M and Vanderbilt.
Two bout-near masterpieces in one film, the first half and second half. I've always went back and forth on which half is the best. Most say the first half, and they're not wrong; but, the Vietnam sequences, especially with that score...

Kubrick was the man.

Still not sure if it's the greatest Vietnam movie ever made, though. Platoon was about as great as great gets. I think I prefer FMJ; but, Platoon may be better, idk.

Apocalypse Now encapsulates the Vietnam war better than any film. FMJ is a close second.
Do you go to a gym to exercise, do you have a home gym, or just don't workout? Speaking of neck gains. . . anyone seen @nicksjuzunk lately?

Go to National Fitness Center here in Oak Ridge about four days a week. I also do a push up challenge at home. Start with 1 push up the first day. 2 the next and so on. Never skip a day. Do as many as you can without stopping, then take a breath and finish them out. I go to 150 then start back at 1. On 57 of the second cycle. Really see the gains doing that.
Go to National Fitness Center here in Oak Ridge about four days a week. I also do a push up challenge at home. Start with 1 push up the first day. 2 the next and so on. Never skip a day. Do as many as you can without stopping, then take a breath and finish them out. I go to 150 then start back at 1. On 57 of the second cycle. Really see the gains doing that.

I do 100 push-ups a day. Run and walk. That’s my routine.
It’s not pretentious to use words that are within your vocabulary nor am I trying to evidence how smart I am. At the end of the day you’re free to do whatever you want. I just know that the more you take it personally, the more damage it does to you and doesn’t change anything about the situation. As a fellow Vol, I want the best for you. You replied to my comment in the first place so sorry I didn’t agree.

And I agree with most recent comments at their core. If he leaves and we play him, I’ll wish a lifetime amount of yips for him. I’m just not going to take it too personally if he does something that I can’t say I wouldn’t consider doing if I was him and in his shoes. But I’m not so good thing I don’t have to. F’ em if he ain’t a Vol. May god bless him in abundance if he is. Won’t impact my life significantly either way. that's a reasonably unreasonable position to take..I agree with that.
Apocalypse Now encapsulates the Vietnam war better than any film. FMJ is a close second.
Can't just brush off Platoon, though; made by actual Vietnam Vet, who just so happens to be a great filmmaker. Wonderful film!

But, yeah, AN was an amazing movie. Bout drove Coppola crazy. Heart Of Darkness was a great book, too.
Been watching for the commits to roll in today like hot doughnuts and to my surprise crickets, I been led down the wrong road.🤔🤔🤔
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