Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Ugh…….those three have had some impressive history…..

But not real sure there are any “real” Miami fans anyway
You also live your life the same years. So if you can only remember back to say 1995 for example, those are the memories you have with that team. Impressive history or not, I don’t think I’d want to be a fan of a team outside the SEC, nor would I want to be a fan of a bottom feeding SEC team, nor could I ever imagine myself being a bama or uf fan. So that pretty much leaves uga, auburn, and lsu for me. I’ll take the bayou.
Which beachbody program you currently doing? I work out at home with mine as well. I pick and choose but mostly doing lift more currently.

I like the MBF/MBFA workouts and the LIIFT 4/MORE workouts. Megan Davies latest workout just came available. I seem to get the best results from her and Joel's programs.
Woke up this morning to the call that my brother died in a freak accident. Then I got the call this afternoon that my friend of 30 years, found dead this morning by his fiancé.

(A) I believe the gospel, and there is comfort.
(B) Create excuses to show and tell those around you that you love them.
Prayers sent
You also live your life the same years. So if you can only remember back to say 1995 for example, those are the memories you have with that team. Impressive history or not, I don’t think I’d want to be a fan of a team outside the SEC, nor would I want to be a fan of a bottom feeding SEC team, nor could I ever imagine myself being a bama or uf fan. So that pretty much leaves uga, auburn, and lsu for me. I’ll take the bayou.
I have a good friend who’s family is all Mississippi St……kinda cool that they have cow bells passed down through generations. That would be cool. Just saying….
WTF is wrong with some people??

The only one that got that answer right was the Barner. I could maybe forgive the UGA answer if it were 3 years ago but Dawg fans have made it impossible to like them. They are bar none the worst fanbase in terms of handling success. Neither BAMA nor even Florida fans have been as obnoxious about success. (Gators are just obnoxious in general but even then not at the level post-Championship Puppies).
Go to National Fitness Center here in Oak Ridge about four days a week. I also do a push up challenge at home. Start with 1 push up the first day. 2 the next and so on. Never skip a day. Do as many as you can without stopping, then take a breath and finish them out. I go to 150 then start back at 1. On 57 of the second cycle. Really see the gains doing that.

You're saying you do 150 for the whole day or can get 150 reps at a time?

I could only get to 75 reps at a go and I thought that was pretty stout.

You're Superman if you get 150 reps at a time.
Two bout-near masterpieces in one film, the first half and second half. I've always went back and forth on which half is the best. Most say the first half, and they're not wrong; but, the Vietnam sequences, especially with that score...

Kubrick was the man.

Still not sure if it's the greatest Vietnam movie ever made, though. Platoon was about as great as great gets. I think I prefer FMJ; but, Platoon may be better, idk.
Hamburger Hill is one of my favorites that doesn't get a lot of credit.
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