Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Mayo but has to be fat free
LSU fans are the douchebaggiest and sleeziest fans I've ever seen. Went to a game in Death Valley with a friend who knew some LSU fans with a tailgate. Watched 50+ yr old men catcall, say abhorrent things, and follow after <21 yr old girls walking by trying to get sexual favors... in public... on campus... it was disgusting.

I know a small sample size doesn't represent a whole fanbase, but later walking to the stadium almost every tent we passed was calling out to my wife and my friend's wife. Literally walking with us. Nothing we could do about it but ignore and keep walking lest we get jumped.

Seeing this picture gave me flashbacks to that. Probably been an gigachad to that young lady all night.
Rewatching the bammer game for the first time and I am just still in shock we were able to win that game. 21 seconds bammer looks like they have an easy FG to win it and you blink and we are kicking the game winner on the other side........still just in awe.
They better be thankful for Bryce Young. If not for him, we run em that day.
So so off topic... but what post above or below isn't off topic this time of year?

WE NEED A COMMIT. And WTF is honestly pimping Miracle Whip??? I order Dukes delivered across state lines to CO, Smokey and The Bandit style

Anyway, working out this evening and let Spotify drive the tunes. My bold take: Mylie Cyrus "Flowers" is the "song of the summer 2023"
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