Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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This is truly the start of their ending

I'm not entirely sure what they think their desired outcome is but they're going to lose in every court, they're going to go toe-to-toe with university(s) backed by their conference AND state.

I don't get what they think they're doing here, aside from lighting the fuse that will ultimately blow the NCAA up.
Dammit. I have a new floater in my eye that seems like it's the size of an asteroid. Have they figured out a way to get rid of those yet?
I had one once and it's gone for a long while. Whether it disappeared or my brain figured out how to ignore it, I don't know. But I don't see it and don't even remember when it went missing.

This is truly the start of their ending

I'm not entirely sure what they think their desired outcome is but they're going to lose in every court, they're going to go toe-to-toe with university(s) backed by their conference AND state.

I don't get what they think they're doing here, aside from lighting the fuse that will ultimately blow the NCAA up.

The NCAA wants schools to potentially break state laws to follow NCAA guidelines? That's certainly...a strategy.

This is truly the start of their ending

I'm not entirely sure what they think their desired outcome is but they're going to lose in every court, they're going to go toe-to-toe with university(s) backed by their conference AND state.

I don't get what they think they're doing here, aside from lighting the fuse that will ultimately blow the NCAA up.

That was my first thought as well. It's a suicide court battle. They continue to show how obsolete they are with 'policy' directives like this. Someone should tell them the cats out of the bag, and it's been proven they're a toothless figurehead organization.

This is truly the start of their ending

I'm not entirely sure what they think their desired outcome is but they're going to lose in every court, they're going to go toe-to-toe with university(s) backed by their conference AND state.

I don't get what they think they're doing here, aside from lighting the fuse that will ultimately blow the NCAA up.

NCAA... lmao!

This is truly the start of their ending

I'm not entirely sure what they think their desired outcome is but they're going to lose in every court, they're going to go toe-to-toe with university(s) backed by their conference AND state.

I don't get what they think they're doing here, aside from lighting the fuse that will ultimately blow the NCAA up.

The weird thing is that the NCAA *IS* the universities. They are just the implementation arm of the member university rules.

The NCAA is a dead institution walking. They will be dismantled and a couple of mega-conferences will step up as university-affiliated semi-pros.
The NCAA wants schools to potentially break state laws to follow NCAA guidelines? That's certainly...a strategy.
Not sure that's how it works. A law stating, "You can do this" != a mandate that you must do that.

You don't get tickets for driving 33 MPH in a 35 zone.

The NCAA is saying, "Your state legislation may give you the right to do X, but membership with us does not."
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