Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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The weird thing is that the NCAA *IS* the universities. They are just the implementation arm of the member university rules.

The NCAA is a dead institution walking. They will be dismantled and a couple of mega-conferences will step up as university-affiliated semi-pros.
Exactly. Thus it will end up as the same thing.

The universities have always ruled and, for the foreseeable future, always will.

The greatest trick of the universities has been to get people to believe it was this big bad for-profit corporation (many folks actually believe this is what the NCAA is) they couldn't reign in was what was holding the players back all this time...meanwhile it was the universities - the commissioners, ADs, and yes coaches - all along.

The dissolution of the NCAA and replaced by the UCAA will be their next great trick. "Hey, look - new name!"
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Do you mix threads of different fibers? 🤔 But fr I highly respect the jewish folks and their folklore. I suppose islam also forbids it. And now Newtism as well.

But the no pork thing I never understood. Of all animals...don't eat those chubby pink thingies 😆 Those were wild times
Because piggies are smarter than dogs and eight year olds and Weezer.
Those rip currents are no joke. I got caught in one several years ago in Destin and had to swim parallel out of it, like instructed. It’s exhausting and frightening.

Yep. I got caught in one years ago and had to do the same thing. I am a pretty good swimmer but it took about everything I had to get back. Thing is you don’t realize how far those things pull you out. You think oh it’s not that far when in reality it’s farther than you think.
Wanna truly feel old? This all happened 3+ years ago.

And yes both are excellent. Dave in a whole new light. Conan's podcasts are top notch. And each on Smartless...fantastic.
he has a streaming channel through Samsung TV. Had no clue.

Love him or hate him, Dave showed his cards on NF interview, loved the Obama interview.
Doing the Lord’s work @Weezer. Thank you. Everyone steer clear of @Mrpeabody8888

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Liked by @MetalVolunteer as well. Must be the place(s) for inside information.

Buc-cee’s is a good place to stop when traveling. Fill up with gas and eradicate some all in one place. Clean restrooms. The rest of it is a lot like Pigeon Forge…a tourist trap…but better than average gas station/truck stop food. The Buc-cee’s here in Texas are alway jam-packed.

If you have never been to one, go at least once just for the experience.
Exactly. Thus it will end up as the same thing.

The universities have always ruled and, for the foreseeable future, always will.

The greatest trick of the universities has been to get people to believe it was this big bad for-profit corporation (many folks actually believe this is what the NCAA is) they couldn't reign in was what was holding the players back all this time...meanwhile it was the universities - the commissioners, ADs, and yes coaches - all along.

The dissolution of the NCAA and replaced by the UCAA will be their next great trick. "Hey, look - new name!"

Exactly. No one is ever gonna love a regulatory body but the fact is college sports absolutely needs one and including non-p5 schools alongside p5 one (making the body larger than it would be) at least makes it harder for a few schools to exert undue influence. If we winnowed the number of members down, stuff like that would become much more problematic because it would be so much easier for someone like Saban to run roughshod.
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