Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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The weird thing is that the NCAA *IS* the universities. They are just the implementation arm of the member university rules.

The NCAA is a dead institution walking. They will be dismantled and a couple of mega-conferences will step up as university-affiliated semi-pros.
Well the power 5 universities need to form another separate sanctioning body. The university’s are clearly working against themselves with the rules their governing bodies is trying to implement. The need to stand together and say no we’re not letting you do this. GBO

Had a great trip. As mentioned we got screwed on our boat. Made it only 25% of the planned journey. Dream Yacht Charters is a ****** company and I'll never charter with them again if I have the opportunity. The base staff was nice and as accommodating as they could be but the management away from the base are all POS. If I have the chance to do it again, I'll hit you up.
I’m so sorry to hear that. Dream Yacht is a **** show here in the VI. I didn’t go into much detail before because I didn’t want to ruin your trip. Their boats are trash.

Yes sir, contact me if you do another trip — and you should go again. I can give you so many recommendations for charter operators, bays, restaurants, and bars here in the VI. We have great bareboat charter operators that will treat you fairly. The cruising here in the VI and BVI is so damn good. You need to make it happen.
Woke up this morning to the call that my brother died in a freak accident. Then I got the call this afternoon that my friend of 30 years, found dead this morning by his fiancé.

(A) I believe the gospel, and there is comfort.
(B) Create excuses to show and tell those around you that you love them.
My heart breaks for you. I am so sorry. My family and I will keep you in our prayers
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