Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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I dang near kilt over up in Townsend this morning. . . thank the good Lord for the cold river! Nothing like jumping in the mountain river water when you're half a step away from a heat stroke. . . it'll shock you back into the living. . .
Ugh. Couldn’t imagine going from Butch Jones to Jeremy Pruitt to Butch Jones 2.0. His gimmick **** he’s doing at the CockCommanders wouldn’t fly in Knoxville. Fool us with gimmicks once, shame on you. Fool us with gimmicks twice, shame on us.
The penalties call out vacating wins in which the 16 sanctioned players participated, so I would assume there is a list of players and that is known to schools in which they transferred. They may not know specifics but they know the players have been sanctioned for breaking the rules.
You assume wrong.
NCAA officially knows Darnell Washington accepted illegal payments.

He recorded stats in 24 Georgia victories and 2 national titles.
I think Volnation needs to blast this loudly on social media everywhere, and make the NCAA do something about it.
100%. PruittCo did what was done at other schools without a protective system in place. Casey had a compliance background... but FSU compliance is a far cry from UT compliance. Look at UGA. Whenever an SA gets in trouble, UGA has a fixer there quickly to mitigate damage and facilitate a desirable outcome. Most transgressions don't even hit the media. The local media is generally supportive and law enforcement tends to be lenient. Contrast that with UT where the local media can't wait to pounce and looks for a negative spin, and KPD is quick to arrest. Good or bad, there's a huge gulf between how things are handled at UT and in Knoxville vs other programs, where things get swept under the rug.

This is one reason UT doesn't aggressively recruit some high star recruits. Fans get upset and blame the coaches, but UT values academics and culture and doesn't want SAs with academic or attitude issues-- in any sport. Win-at-all-costs schools take recruits that UT does not want to pursue, and that's not going to change any time soon.
A few years ago, I had a conversation with a D1 coach who admitted they only recruited kids through HS coaches and parents. No handlers, "camp" coaches, etc, were part of the conversation. If others moved in, the school moved on. His point was that it was not worth the hassle and a forcecast for drama within the program. Did this coach land a ton of 5 stars? of course not. But they also did not have all the assets or exposure UT does. Speculation, but I get the sense Heup has a similar philosophy. Worth keeping in mind as we go into these recruiting battles and "lose kids". We will never know, but I wouldn't be surprised if the UT staff is the one to cool on the kid, not the other way around. We only have a sample size of two years, but culture seems to be very important to CJH and the results are encouraging thus far.
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