Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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I just finished reading, “The Fleet at Flood Tide”. The Japanese had a 7 million man army, half of which were in the home islands and approximately 5,000 Kimikaze planes at the end of the war. The entire country was prepared to fight to the death.
We killed what 140-250 thousand total (high number taking into account those poor souls that died more slowly) with those two bombs?...what the idiots don't realize, or more likely they do and just refuse to acknowledge because they are perfidious, malodorous garbage anti-American trolls, is that likely 10-20+ million Japanese people (if not twice that many) would have died as they did in the horror of Saipan and Okinawa.

People don't understand, or they do and just flat dishonestly argue otherwise the mindset of the vaaaast majority of the Japanese people....they were planning on women and children fighting to the death with freaking bamboo spears in thousands of mass banzai attacks....they were going to do what they had done all the way across the Pacific...fight to the death suicidally or kill themselves before being captured.

And they would have taken God only knows how many American lives with them....Those bombs, which at that point in history and scientific advancement were inevitable, actually saved many many MILLIONS of lives.

Another thing...does anybody believe that the Soviets would not have developed them eventually if we hadn't first?...what kind of hellish world would be now if they had the bomb and we didn't in the years after WW2?...Does anybody really believe they would have refrained from destroying us with three same restraint we showed when we had the power to take over the world and rid it of our enemies by being the sole nuclear power on earth?
The ‘85 team didn’t win a National Championship, but they completely changed the course of the program for the next couple
of decades. That team is still my favorite of all time.
I really think 2022 was this generation’s version of that team.
Sugar Vols will always be my favorite...they are the reason I am a Vol.
Vol Nation....
I need your support & prayers.
My wife was admitted to the hospital late last night. She suffered a stroke at 35 years old and is pregnant with our 3rd child. Please keep us in your thoughts.

Prayers sent for health, safety, peace, and strength. They won't stop coming your way.
Vol Nation....
I need your support & prayers.
My wife was admitted to the hospital late last night. She suffered a stroke at 35 years old and is pregnant with our 3rd child. Please keep us in your thoughts.
🙏……If you don’t want to answer that’s understandable…. How bad is her affected side?
🙏……If you don’t want to answer that’s understandable…. How bad is her affected side?
No oxygen going to the artery in her brain that controls the upper right cortex Brian with controls of her vision. She cant see anything out of her right eye. OB doctors will see her today to check on the baby.
No oxygen going to the artery in her brain that controls the upper right cortex Brian with controls of her vision. She cant see anything out of her right eye. OB doctors will see her today to check on the baby.
I'm nervous as can be for you brother

Will mention in announcements in church this morning
She needs to see strength and hope in you right now
Gonna be difficult but you can do this
I agree...but what exactly did they do now?

Continually putting out needless pieces on the investigation.

No one else around the country that I can see, feels compelled to give its opinions or going in depth on the investigation.

Just report the facts and move on. OR. OR. Just like rest of the world, find some thing positive being the hometown paper and report on that.IMG_2739.png
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