Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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I just threw up in my mouth. Thanks, a lot.
Instead we got Blob Kershling. . . Danny White needs to fix it. Bob has had this career and the fans have suffered long enough. Time to get a new Voice of the Vols who matches the teams' in-game intensity and excitement.
I wondered about the timing of that Ward tweet. It's not his birthday. What are the thinking?
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possibly turkey. I've never killed one and just got into turkey hunting during COVID, like everyone else in Bama.

We have a lease in MS for duck season so I doubt I do much deer hunting.
MS and AL are the hardest states to kill a turkey on public land. Smart birds, lots of pressure. If you can scratch one out there be very proud of yourself. Even on private.

Good luck on duck season in the Delta. Migrations have sucked the past 5 or so years.
MS and AL are the hardest states to kill a turkey on public land. Smart birds, lots of pressure. If you can scratch one out there be very proud of yourself. Even on private.

Good luck on duck season in the Delta. Migrations have sucked the past 5 or so years.
I have called up 5 hens and 1 jake, all on public land, in the past two seasons. The Jake was about 25 yards from me when I quit working him.

We had an annual lease a few years ago just north of this place and killed about 1000 ducks and 200 geese between 6 people every season. The last season we were there was 2018-2019 though, so about that long ago.

Anything is better than duck hunting on Lake Guntersville. That place has gone to pot.
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possibly turkey. I've never killed one and just got into turkey hunting during COVID, like everyone else in Bama.

We have a lease in MS for duck season so I doubt I do much deer hunting.
I have never duck hunted but I’m in the right part of the state for it. Deer hunting shows film in the county where my farm is located
It is by choice. They were in a magnet school that placed extraordinarily high expectations on the kids. This is not a problem in and of itself, because we should have high expectations. Especially when people are capable of achieving those expectations. However, they already place so much worry and stress on themselves and then the school piles on too. They were both very unhappy and were not engaging in normal teenage activities because they were just so mentally drained all the time. Our county started a virtual school immediately after the covid times and we had moved our older daughter into it to finish the last 2.5 credits she needed and we had a good experience. The younger ones asked to move to the virtual school after the new year and they finished up their 8th and 9th grade years there in the spring and enjoyed it. It allows a lot of freedom, especially at the high school level. The classes are self paced and as long as you are turning your assignments in on time that is all that matters. So if a kid wanted to take a couple extra days off, they could just work ahead and then chill for a few days. Or they can have a job during the day and do their work in the evening. This model wouldn't work for everyone, but I think that we have to get creative with how we offer educational opportunities to this generation.

Oh, and they also have partnerships with a local community college and Middle Tennessee State University that allows kids to dual enroll and gain high school and college credits at the same time for very minimal cost. There are kids graduating high school and starting college mid-way through their Sophomore years. Big $$ savings for parents.

Glitch, were your girls in Central? Our daughter is nearing finishing McFadden and we are really curious about how hard to pursue the next level of magnet school for the reasons you quote.
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