Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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I’ve always thought they were pretty gritty and communal. And people just yell out whatever is on their mind midstream. It brings us together. It reminds me of Bonnaroo.

If they bother you, then maybe you’re not having enough fun at the game or just have SDE 😄
I don’t want to go to Bonnaroo. I want to go watch my Vols and have a little privacy when I have to tinkle.
How is hubs doing? I might have missed it if you have already posted. You haven’t given any updates lately on hubs. How are you both been doing? Believe it or not, there’s quite a lot of us that are curious and, well, here and read.

Thanks for asking and thinking of us. I appreciate it much more than you and VN know :).

It's been up and down. Unfortunately, confusion has kinda become the new norm. It's like there's always a little bit there even on good days but as long as it's just a little bit it's manageable. He had a bad fall Sunday and we were all convinced (including the nurse that came out to see him) that his arm was broken but X-ray showed no fracture. That said, he had so much swelling (I have never seen an arm look like his that wasn't broken) that our regular nurse said that we should still monitor it because it might still be broken but the inflammation and swelling prevented anything being seen.

My Mom said that something similar happened with her Aunt many years ago where she went in and told the hospital she thought her hip was broken, they x-rayed and said they saw nothing and sent her home and she came back a few days later because it was still hurting and that time the x-ray showed the fracture. That was years ago but x-rays really haven't changed beyond how much faster they can do them.

His nurse is worried that the confusion not going away could be the kidney cancer spreading to his brain (mets) but I kinda feel like it's just his the hepatic encephalopathy and possibly the addition of vascular dementia. IDK, I feel like the kidney cancer is gone - back when it was treated UT had to take his case before a tumor board because the only treatment option was cryoablative (freezing the tumor off) as he'd never have survived surgery which is what they'd have done for anyone else. But I remember that even though his tumor was bigger than cryoablative is supposed to be used for his was on top of the kidney just hanging off and was in a pretty great spot for treatment and they thought that they got it all. Of course, I could be wrong on that as there's so much symptom overlap. And the confusion, falls, and speech problems would fit both HE and mets. *But* hopefully, I'm right.

I'm saving to get him a Nintendo Switch to try and help him a little bit with confusion and cognition since studies have shown that playing 30 mins a day for at least 2 weeks has helped not only seniors with dementia but also people with hepatic encephalopathy, specifically. It might not give him huge gains but any little bit we can get seems worth it and I think it would be good for him to actively engage his mind in something. Watching shows and movies is a passive activity and he needs to force his brain to actively engage which can be hard to do when you're sick and can't get out often.
Thanks for asking and thinking of us. I appreciate it much more than you and VN know :).

It's been up and down. Unfortunately, confusion has kinda become the new norm. It's like there's always a little bit there even on good days but as long as it's just a little bit it's manageable. He had a bad fall Sunday and we were all convinced (including the nurse that came out to see him) that his arm was broken but X-ray showed no fracture. That said, he had so much swelling (I have never seen an arm look like his that wasn't broken) that our regular nurse said that we should still monitor it because it might still be broken but the inflammation and swelling prevented anything being seen.

My Mom said that something similar happened with her Aunt many years ago where she went in and told the hospital she thought her hip was broken, they x-rayed and said they saw nothing and sent her home and she came back a few days later because it was still hurting and that time the x-ray showed the fracture. That was years ago but x-rays really haven't changed beyond how much faster they can do them.

His nurse is worried that the confusion not going away could be the kidney cancer spreading to his brain (mets) but I kinda feel like it's just his the hepatic encephalopathy and possibly the addition of vascular dementia. IDK, I feel like the kidney cancer is gone - back when it was treated UT had to take his case before a tumor board because the only treatment option was cryoablative (freezing the tumor off) as he'd never have survived surgery which is what they'd have done for anyone else. But I remember that even though his tumor was bigger than cryoablative is supposed to be used for his was on top of the kidney just hanging off and was in a pretty great spot for treatment and they thought that they got it all. Of course, I could be wrong on that as there's so much symptom overlap. And the confusion, falls, and speech problems would fit both HE and mets. *But* hopefully, I'm right.

I'm saving to get him a Nintendo Switch to try and help him a little bit with confusion and cognition since studies have shown that playing 30 mins a day for at least 2 weeks has helped not only seniors with dementia but also people with hepatic encephalopathy, specifically. It might not give him huge gains but any little bit we can get seems worth it and I think it would be good for him to actively engage his mind in something. Watching shows and movies is a passive activity and he needs to force his brain to actively engage which can be hard to do when you're sick and can't get out often.
hey anyone know how to get one of those donation things together? we should do that for UT Prof. i literally have no clue how to do it, but i will give.
I have some trouble believing the AJC is anti Georgia. Now last time I read it (so long ago that it was on paper), it looked very pro Bulldog to me. A lot better than the Nashville Tennessean toward the Vols. Of course there was a GT columnist or something. And the KNS: forget about it! But I concede that a fan like @DawgInterloper would be much more alive to nuances, slights, and stabs that I might read right past.
Thanks for asking and thinking of us. I appreciate it much more than you and VN know :).

It's been up and down. Unfortunately, confusion has kinda become the new norm. It's like there's always a little bit there even on good days but as long as it's just a little bit it's manageable. He had a bad fall Sunday and we were all convinced (including the nurse that came out to see him) that his arm was broken but X-ray showed no fracture. That said, he had so much swelling (I have never seen an arm look like his that wasn't broken) that our regular nurse said that we should still monitor it because it might still be broken but the inflammation and swelling prevented anything being seen.

My Mom said that something similar happened with her Aunt many years ago where she went in and told the hospital she thought her hip was broken, they x-rayed and said they saw nothing and sent her home and she came back a few days later because it was still hurting and that time the x-ray showed the fracture. That was years ago but x-rays really haven't changed beyond how much faster they can do them.

His nurse is worried that the confusion not going away could be the kidney cancer spreading to his brain (mets) but I kinda feel like it's just his the hepatic encephalopathy and possibly the addition of vascular dementia. IDK, I feel like the kidney cancer is gone - back when it was treated UT had to take his case before a tumor board because the only treatment option was cryoablative (freezing the tumor off) as he'd never have survived surgery which is what they'd have done for anyone else. But I remember that even though his tumor was bigger than cryoablative is supposed to be used for his was on top of the kidney just hanging off and was in a pretty great spot for treatment and they thought that they got it all. Of course, I could be wrong on that as there's so much symptom overlap. And the confusion, falls, and speech problems would fit both HE and mets. *But* hopefully, I'm right.

I'm saving to get him a Nintendo Switch to try and help him a little bit with confusion and cognition since studies have shown that playing 30 mins a day for at least 2 weeks has helped not only seniors with dementia but also people with hepatic encephalopathy, specifically. It might not give him huge gains but any little bit we can get seems worth it and I think it would be good for him to actively engage his mind in something. Watching shows and movies is a passive activity and he needs to force his brain to actively engage which can be hard to do when you're sick and can't get out often.
I so hate this for you! I can relate somewhat where my husband was having the seizures and the confusion they caused. Thank God the seizure medicine one doctor gave him has worked so far! But I know you have to be so exhausted, and the longer it goes the worse it gets. I am glad you have this place to come to take your mind off of things. (Even if McGill took his frustrations out on you today! Being in pain can do that.) Wish there was something more we could do. I will put you on my prayer list and pray for strength, rest and moments of joy.
Thanks for asking and thinking of us. I appreciate it much more than you and VN know :).

It's been up and down. Unfortunately, confusion has kinda become the new norm. It's like there's always a little bit there even on good days but as long as it's just a little bit it's manageable. He had a bad fall Sunday and we were all convinced (including the nurse that came out to see him) that his arm was broken but X-ray showed no fracture. That said, he had so much swelling (I have never seen an arm look like his that wasn't broken) that our regular nurse said that we should still monitor it because it might still be broken but the inflammation and swelling prevented anything being seen.

My Mom said that something similar happened with her Aunt many years ago where she went in and told the hospital she thought her hip was broken, they x-rayed and said they saw nothing and sent her home and she came back a few days later because it was still hurting and that time the x-ray showed the fracture. That was years ago but x-rays really haven't changed beyond how much faster they can do them.

His nurse is worried that the confusion not going away could be the kidney cancer spreading to his brain (mets) but I kinda feel like it's just his the hepatic encephalopathy and possibly the addition of vascular dementia. IDK, I feel like the kidney cancer is gone - back when it was treated UT had to take his case before a tumor board because the only treatment option was cryoablative (freezing the tumor off) as he'd never have survived surgery which is what they'd have done for anyone else. But I remember that even though his tumor was bigger than cryoablative is supposed to be used for his was on top of the kidney just hanging off and was in a pretty great spot for treatment and they thought that they got it all. Of course, I could be wrong on that as there's so much symptom overlap. And the confusion, falls, and speech problems would fit both HE and mets. *But* hopefully, I'm right.

I'm saving to get him a Nintendo Switch to try and help him a little bit with confusion and cognition since studies have shown that playing 30 mins a day for at least 2 weeks has helped not only seniors with dementia but also people with hepatic encephalopathy, specifically. It might not give him huge gains but any little bit we can get seems worth it and I think it would be good for him to actively engage his mind in something. Watching shows and movies is a passive activity and he needs to force his brain to actively engage which can be hard to do when you're sick and can't get out often.
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Your board, your facts, so I'll just say this and stay out of the fray. This apparently wasn't this writer's first time having issues. According to what's been reported recently, he resigned from the Louisville Courier Journal in 1988 after the paper did an investigation of multiple articles and ended up apologizing to their readers. You can find some of the details and statements from that episode in an article on the UGA Rivals site and in articles linked and quoted on the 247 UGA message board, if you're interested.

Maybe more facts will be forthcoming from these AJC stories later. I definitely don't believe the AJC kowtows to UGA because they never have before; if anything the relationship has been adversarial for decades. The articles published during the last 6 months led with sensationalism and lacked in details to back it up, IMO. Other "journalists" and pundits have noted the same, including a very eloquent video by Josh Pate and an editorial in the Washington Post.
Is anyone at all concerned with the fact players keep getting into trouble, or does winning championships make it all okay? I would ask if it takes someone getting killed for something to happen, but sadly, we've already seen that doesn't change anything. At what point does Kirby or the administration take a hard stand?
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