Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Bathrooms for the plebs will be last on the list. We’ll have our troughs, and we’ll like it, by God.
I’ve always thought they were pretty gritty and communal. And people just yell out whatever is on their mind midstream. It brings us together. It reminds me of Bonnaroo.

If they bother you, then maybe you’re not having enough fun at the game or just have SDE 😄
He put up some crazy numbers, but there were some games that you could Tell Bray didn't want to be there or didn't give a strong effort.

Then again, he had a terrible Head coach
What you said.

I believe a terrible HC had a lot to do with it; but, he never seemed to be a good leader, nevermind great. Very inconsistent in all things.
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How do you not have Ole Miss/Auburn on there? Auburn flirted with Kiffin and Freeze both. Chose Freeze. Can’t tell me that isn’t a ridiculous game.
Fair. AU just has close to zero respect rn. Even the Iron Bowl is #10. Yikes.

Can’t believe they fired the best coach ever. Those lucky UCF fans are now on the Gus Bus, trading out those old 12 win seasons under Hype for mighty 9-5/9-4 seasons in the G5 ranks and getting strung by Duke in bowl games. Those genius bastards.
Anything like this will be turned into the athletes becoming university employees. I won't be surprised if that happens via a law suit before any NIL legislation sees the light of day. And the the #%@$ will really hit the fan for the schools. Wait until they have to lay off professors because the school can't afford them and the women's basketball team. This talk about NIL legislation goes way beyond the football and men's basketball teams because of Title IX when you get in the legal weeds.


You have coaches being paid $10mm/year…maybe start there. Their salaries are completely out of whack.

NFL Roster:Coach salaries: ~25:1

College, even paying kids just ~60k/year and roughly 5mil coach: 1:1

It is so completely out of whack, balance out the staff and players before cutting completely unrelated folks.

The IX stuff is complicated, but I’ve both read very intelligent articles agreeing it would be a mess, but others saying it is a mere red herring. So…idk
With FSU reported to leave the ACC for the Big 10 soon, does that mean Clemson will be joining them as the other team in the package. It seems like it's B10 or bust for either of these teams as Sankey says the SEC will not add any new teams before 2030
I haven't been in academia for a while. At one point it was just a sabbatical but I've had other jobs and been a caregiver for too long. I'd love to go back regardless of where (a lot of people in higher ed don't like teaching but I did love it - loved it along with research) but too many connections are gone now. The professors that were my link were all older - well past standard retirement age even when I was a grad student. A few boomers but more than a few from the Silent Generation or older and sadly a good portion are gone now. Had my mentor not passed, I think things would be different but he's gone now and so are most of my links. UT has an annual event named after him and I'd prefer not to say what dept. because I have taught athletes that everyone on this board knows.

Ah. Yeah, academia is a grind—especially with the research. So much of it is about connections too so it’s really hard to get back into once you’re out.
Thanks for answering—I’ve always been curious if I would have known you from my time at UT!
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You have coaches being paid $10mm/year…maybe start there. Their salaries are completely out of whack.

NFL Roster:Coach salaries: ~25:1

College, even paying kids just ~60k/year and roughly 5mil coach: 1:1

It is so completely out of whack, balance out the staff and players before cutting completely unrelated folks.

The IX stuff is complicated, but I’ve both read very intelligent articles agreeing it would be a mess, but others saying it is a mere red herring. So…idk
All I am saying is this goes beyond simple NIL caps and such. And you confirmed my point about the focus on football. Everyone is fine with paying the football coach and the basketball coach. The men's or women's track coach? Not so much.

As with most well intended legislation, there is always unintended consequences. Title IX mandates the the number of scholarships and such. If schools are required to treat ALL athletes as employees and there are Title IX requirements to be met, there will law suits about equal pay, blah blah blah. This means schools with less resources are going to be forced into reducing expenses. If they have a men's football team, they have to provide the same opportunity in women's sports, and they can't cut those expenses in women's sports. So, the alternative is to cut a men's sport or other university staff. This is already happening at the FCS level. ETSU just eliminated their men's indoor track team because the university population has shifted more towards women. Thus a new women's sport has to be added or get rid of a men's. All the result of the well intended legislation of Title IX. We are not going to recognize college athletics within 5 years is my best guess. The total elimination of non revenue generating sports on the men's side is a real possibility. One of the NIL bills in Congress attempts to address the impact on "Olympic" sports, so even they are aware of the potential.
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Haha. And then there’s me who was driving my 10, 8, & 6 year old to day camp yesterday, introducing them to Black Sabbath’s album Paranoid.

They also like Nirvana, Brahms Violin Concerto, some Dave Brubeck, Pavement, Rachmaninov, Mozart, and a lot of random Jazz/Rock bands from the 1990s and 2000s out of Chicago. A lot of folks from the Thrill Jockey label on our playlist.

You can never go wrong with a band on the Thrill Jockey label. The Louisville-Chicago pipeline of bands in the 90s kept me sane. That was back when ‘indie’ meant something. I like your taste in music.
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I haven't been in academia for a while. At one point it was just a sabbatical but I've had other jobs and been a caregiver for too long. I'd love to go back regardless of where (a lot of people in higher ed don't like teaching but I did love it - loved it along with research) but too many connections are gone now. The professors that were my link were all older - well past standard retirement age even when I was a grad student. A few boomers but more than a few from the Silent Generation or older and sadly a good portion are gone now. Had my mentor not passed, I think things would be different but he's gone now and so are most of my links. UT has an annual event named after him and I'd prefer not to say what dept. because I have taught athletes that everyone on this board knows.
How is hubs doing? I might have missed it if you have already posted. You haven’t given any updates lately on hubs. How are you both been doing? Believe it or not, there’s quite a lot of us that are curious and, well, here and read.
He was definitely a knucklehead in college.
So,, what we really need to know is if he made enough NFL $$$ to get that tattoo lasered off.

All I am saying is this goes beyond simple NIL caps and such. And you confirmed my point about the focus on football. Everyone is fine with paying the football coach and the basketball coach. The men's or women's track coach? Not so much.

As with most well intended legislation, there is always unintended consequences. Title IX mandates the the number of scholarships and such. If schools are required to treat ALL athletes as employees and there are Title IX requirements to be met, there will law suits about equal pay, blah blah blah. This means schools with less resources are going to be forced into reducing expenses. If they have a men's football team, they have to provide the same opportunity in women's sports, and they can't cut those expenses in women's sports. So, the alternative is to cut a men's sport or other university staff. This is already happening at the FCS level. ETSU just eliminated their men's indoor track team because the university population has shifted more towards women. Thus a new women's sport has to be added or get rid of a men's. All the result of the well intended legislation of Title IX. We are not going to recognize college athletics within 5 years is my best guess. The total elimination of non revenue generating sports on the men's side is a real possibility. One of the NIL bills in Congress attempts to address the impact on "Olympic" sports, so even they are aware of the potential.

The fastest growing sport in the world which is soccer was eliminated for men at many schools over the past 5 years in spite of the growing popularity. It was all due to money. At those same schools to your point, I heard of no women’s sports being eliminated.
Your board, your facts, so I'll just say this and stay out of the fray. This apparently wasn't this writer's first time having issues. According to what's been reported recently, he resigned from the Louisville Courier Journal in 1988 after the paper did an investigation of multiple articles and ended up apologizing to their readers. You can find some of the details and statements from that episode in an article on the UGA Rivals site and in articles linked and quoted on the 247 UGA message board, if you're interested.

Maybe more facts will be forthcoming from these AJC stories later. I definitely don't believe the AJC kowtows to UGA because they never have before; if anything the relationship has been adversarial for decades. The articles published during the last 6 months led with sensationalism and lacked in details to back it up, IMO. Other "journalists" and pundits have noted the same, including a very eloquent video by Josh Pate and an editorial in the Washington Post.
You're okay in my book, overall, DI. Much preferable to the little pack of GA trolls here, who try to pass themselves off as Vol fans and fly to the scene at every opportunity to stan for GA and find it intolerable to let any chance pass to assail their supposed team. 😂

I am most concerned, as I said, about the maneuver to replace the question of serial offense and pattern with the decoy of the exact number of events. I am claiming that the retraction itself (or whatever it wants to call itself) violated all journalistic and reasonable standards. I'm not really moved by the accusations of the guy's alleged past bad behavior, but more with the AJC trying to scapegoat dude and simultaneously suppress all evidence of what he found or alleged, while discontinuing the hunt. That to me is a problem. Also how did the AJC not know about this reporter's past published wrongs when they themselves hired him? Do they really expect me to believe his stories went to press without being edited and approved by multiple people in-house? You may like this part: how is the AJC getting away with pretending like they knew nothing? I wonder if everyone who was saved from scrutiny at the paper found common interest with UGA in gagging the whole bit. And blaming someone whose editors (and prolly management) had approved all he printed. I think the retraction bears marks of being a "fix." I also do wonder if the Birmingham office was involved via backchannels. I think the timing looks manipulated. And think of what pressure was brought to bear on the AJC if the issue of moving the game were raised? I suspect state and local government as well as the chamber of commerce would be raising holy hell with the AJC to deny everything and stop asking questions.

Be that as it may, above all, I don't see how whatever alleged shady work in the past the reporter may or may not have done before the AJC selected him has anything to do which the actual question of repeated instances and fixers. It seems like UGA together with the paper swept all the substantial questions under the rug. But they gave no account of why we should disbelieve any of the particulars previously reported. I never even knew, that I recall, or care about the specific number of 11 events.
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He was a guest on VQ pod the other day. Has us losing to A&M.
I don’t see us losing that one at home. We should score a lot and their offense didn’t play very well last year. Plus I think our D will be much tougher. I think if we play good ball in all them games we are 6-0 at that point. But hey, in college football you have to bring it every week. Nobody is immune from getting beat if they aren’t on their game. GBO
Haha. And then there’s me who was driving my 10, 8, & 6 year old to day camp yesterday, introducing them to Black Sabbath’s album Paranoid.

They also like Nirvana, Brahms Violin Concerto, some Dave Brubeck, Pavement, Rachmaninov, Mozart, and a lot of random Jazz/Rock bands from the 1990s and 2000s out of Chicago. A lot of folks from the Thrill Jockey label on our playlist.

Vols are the hand of doom
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