Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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St Mathews or Matthews? My dad coached at Matthews High. We lived in the Xanadu of East Prairie :)
I worked for Federal Compress out of Memphis and had a number of clients there in the cotton business.

It was Matthews. Been 30+ years. Did know a really pretty girl there in Matthews. Her name was Angie and she was a doll.
6 year old granddaughter walks around sings Pussycat dolls songs all day I hear Don't ya wish your girlfriend was hot like me😁about 10 times in a normal visit...
Yep, my granddaughter will be 7 in a couple weeks and she dances/sings like nobody is watching. Hope she never loses it…and I’ll keep Ozzie to myself
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Ah. Yeah, academia is a grind—especially with the research. So much of it is about connections too so it’s really hard to get back into once you’re out.
Thanks for answering—I’ve always been curious if I would have known you from my time at UT!

Maybe. If we ever do a VN meetup, I'd be fine telling folks in person. :D
Everything wrong with CFB. Conference loyalty above all else. No one there to look out for the good of the game and all conferences and teams.

So you end auto bids….4 B1G teams get in….5 SEC teams…then recruits and fans see them as the best forever…recruiting drops for other conferences and teams…and the centralization continues.

Or maybe keep it open for others to succeed, let the game flourish again across the board. Do something good for the game, not your conference (and mostly your pocket book…classic Sankeyism).

Ehh…I’m tired of rewarding schools like Clemson for beating up the sisters of the poor all year. I’m tired of them getting a free ride into the playoffs every year.

So all those years of Oklahoma winning the Big12 and getting into the playoffs how many playoff games did they win? I’m for what’s best for Tennessee…which is for more available playoff spots…screw the rest of those schools.

So why does the ACC get an automatic bid but the Sunbelt doesn’t? Is the ACC really all that better than the Sunbelt?
It was amazing (not in a good way) to see GA send fixers in and get the writer on the systemic coverup of sexual abuse and rape at GA fired from the AJC. The AJC must have been threatened by advertisers and worked by city and state officials to fold like that. There is no way the editors and probably even someone from the publishing office did not review the articles before they were printed. They all stayed.

The smear job they did on the reporter consisted in only two facts, according to the AJC's own article. (1) The reporter combines two quotes into one in a way that did not affect the substance of the quotes. And (2) the exact number of 11 incidents was not establish beyond doubt. But whether 5 or 11 or 17 makes no difference to the substance of the case that there was repeated and systemic corruption and fixing.

In fact, shutting down the AJC appears to be yet another instance of fixing. The original articles pointed out that UGA used attorneys as fixers. In the AJC's review, UGA's lawyers joined the editorial review.

The sleight of hand was to replace the issue of system and repeated fixing with the red herring of the exact number 11, which was impertinent. One might even just as well doubt that there were that few instances to be uncovered if the investigation continued. The other sleight of hand was the AJC cancelling the entire project. That is again a sleight of hand: it could be carried on by other means. One suspects that the AJC management wanted the investigation stopped as well. Funny that it was announced the day after Kirby spoke at the SEC Meeting when he could have been questioned on the issue by journalists from elsewhere. Was it a coincidence that the subject of moving the SEC Championship game from Atlanta arose at the same meeting? Was that a bargaining chip? If so the AJC likely already agreed to keep their "investigation" silent until after Kirby spoke.

It was amazing that so many people simply bought the new revised story and jumped on the bandwagon of blaming "journalistic malpractice" without thinking it through. It seems to me completely immoderate and one-sided to quickly seize on the AJCs new story, and without even impartially considering, at the least, the import of the two facts I mention in my second paragraph. Those are the AJC's only facts cited in their own article "explaining" why the reporter was fired, without explaining why none of the editors or representatives of management were fired. Now, so-called fact checks being so essential to propaganda, perhaps there is another thing they might fault the report with, now held in reserve. But all we have is the AJC's own news story about their about-face. One would not be surprised to find out, just in case anyone were ever to attempt to look into the matter, that all of the reporters notes at home and in the office were seized by the attorneys as work product and would prevent anyone from examining them. Which is what a fixer would do. Who is to say they would not lose some of them or make additions? But maybe it wasn't exactly 11 instances is crazy bizarre.

Are they suggesting that 10 rapes and assaults or maybe 7 was ok, but 11 was over the line? I guess no one is supposed to read the AJC article with care and consider its details.
I’ve been wondering if that reporter got a new job as part of the deal. Or was he just a complete fall guy?
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I’ve been wondering if that reporter got a new job as part of the deal. Or was he just a complete fall guy?
I also wonder if he got severance pay and 6 months of insurance or maybe a bag 😂 on the condition that he never speak of the matter. Insofar as I know he has not spoken a word. Seems like he would have a tough time finding a job at the moment. But then again, people claim he committed all sorts of prior offenses in Louisville, yet the AJC hired him. Of course there are few if any local papers anymore, which is terrible for the country imo. Gannett could prolly send him somewhere if they wanted to. Maybe he has a job working beside some player's dad somewhere. 😂

Seriously, though, I'm very suspicious of how the AJC handled things. UGA looks like they just sent lawyers in and made everything go away. Of course, the newspaper stories that started this whole thing claimed that is what they always do. 😂 And there were specifics. The AJC didn't recant any of those things, insofar as I know.
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Your board, your facts, so I'll just say this and stay out of the fray. This apparently wasn't this writer's first time having issues. According to what's been reported recently, he resigned from the Louisville Courier Journal in 1988 after the paper did an investigation of multiple articles and ended up apologizing to their readers. You can find some of the details and statements from that episode in an article on the UGA Rivals site and in articles linked and quoted on the 247 UGA message board, if you're interested.

Maybe more facts will be forthcoming from these AJC stories later. I definitely don't believe the AJC kowtows to UGA because they never have before; if anything the relationship has been adversarial for decades. The articles published during the last 6 months led with sensationalism and lacked in details to back it up, IMO. Other "journalists" and pundits have noted the same, including a very eloquent video by Josh Pate and an editorial in the Washington Post.
I’ve read those, too. I’m always looking at what all the possibilities could be. The fact that that happened before could have easily been used against him. He could have been sloppy. But the story had to go to someone higher up to be approved. It is very flimsy to be fired over. The lawyers involved is a red flag. Still curious to know more about what happened to the journalist after. I think that could be very telling about what actually happened. Some of all of that could be true. Also curious if any other reporters are investigating the incidents. What is true and what isn’t?
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