Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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I so hate this for you! I can relate somewhat where my husband was having the seizures and the confusion they caused. Thank God the seizure medicine one doctor gave him has worked so far! But I know you have to be so exhausted, and the longer it goes the worse it gets. I am glad you have this place to come to take your mind off of things. (Even if McGill took his frustrations out on you today! Being in pain can do that.) Wish there was something more we could do. I will put you on my prayer list and pray for strength, rest and moments of joy.

Thanks SweetasSoda. I'm so glad that the seizure medicine is working well. I remember how terrifying it was when I saw the other half have his. I thought for sure he was dying because he'd never had one before and with everything else it just scared me senseless. I do get so tired and exhausted at times. Then I get mad at myself for throwing a pity a party. Most of the time I do ok when I can get sleep. The times when he gets restless, anxious, and confused at the same time are the hardest but thankfully that's not full time.

Pain can def. give you a short fuse. McGill might've gotten upset with me but he's Vol fam and sometimes family gets irritated with one other. I don't think I could stay upset with anyone here in the RF even if I tried. Might get angry for a few but that's about it. He's allowed to have bad days the same as the rest of us.

Thank you so much for keeping us in your thought. I hope and pray things keep going well for you as well!
I've seen better, no artistic liberties taken at all

Why do you hurt my feelings? You know they were spectacular!
What you said.

I believe a terrible HC had a lot to do with it; but, he never seemed to be a good leader, nevermind great. Very inconsistent in all things.
I’m late to this conversation, but I always butt my nose into stuff 😒. I agree with this. I’ll go one step further (I’ll get flamed for this…). He will always be a VFL, but for me, I always felt he never moved on from the HS mentally. JMO.
Thanks for asking and thinking of us. I appreciate it much more than you and VN know :).

It's been up and down. Unfortunately, confusion has kinda become the new norm. It's like there's always a little bit there even on good days but as long as it's just a little bit it's manageable. He had a bad fall Sunday and we were all convinced (including the nurse that came out to see him) that his arm was broken but X-ray showed no fracture. That said, he had so much swelling (I have never seen an arm look like his that wasn't broken) that our regular nurse said that we should still monitor it because it might still be broken but the inflammation and swelling prevented anything being seen.

My Mom said that something similar happened with her Aunt many years ago where she went in and told the hospital she thought her hip was broken, they x-rayed and said they saw nothing and sent her home and she came back a few days later because it was still hurting and that time the x-ray showed the fracture. That was years ago but x-rays really haven't changed beyond how much faster they can do them.

His nurse is worried that the confusion not going away could be the kidney cancer spreading to his brain (mets) but I kinda feel like it's just his the hepatic encephalopathy and possibly the addition of vascular dementia. IDK, I feel like the kidney cancer is gone - back when it was treated UT had to take his case before a tumor board because the only treatment option was cryoablative (freezing the tumor off) as he'd never have survived surgery which is what they'd have done for anyone else. But I remember that even though his tumor was bigger than cryoablative is supposed to be used for his was on top of the kidney just hanging off and was in a pretty great spot for treatment and they thought that they got it all. Of course, I could be wrong on that as there's so much symptom overlap. And the confusion, falls, and speech problems would fit both HE and mets. *But* hopefully, I'm right.

I'm saving to get him a Nintendo Switch to try and help him a little bit with confusion and cognition since studies have shown that playing 30 mins a day for at least 2 weeks has helped not only seniors with dementia but also people with hepatic encephalopathy, specifically. It might not give him huge gains but any little bit we can get seems worth it and I think it would be good for him to actively engage his mind in something. Watching shows and movies is a passive activity and he needs to force his brain to actively engage which can be hard to do when you're sick and can't get out often.
I’ve read this post many times. You sure do put things into perspective for me. It sounds like you’re very overwhelmed and don’t want to unburden with what’s going on. Please do. Everyone needs an outlet. I hope we are a good ear to talk to or/and a shoulder. Any thing we can do?

Rice - Nope, unless Justin Jefferson plays till he’s 35+

Gretzky - Nope

Cy Young - Nope

Chamberlain - Possible , but I don’t see it

Celtics - Nope

Biles - Yes.

Cal Ripken - No, because most players are drama queens now. This would probably be the easiest one to break, imo.

UCONN - Goodluck

Rickey Henderson - Nope, unless someone has a 30 year career and can steal 48 bases every season, I don’t see it

Phelps - MAYBE, Emma McKeon (swimmer) she’s 29 and has 11 medals. Only two Olympics so far.
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The fastest growing sport in the world which is soccer was eliminated for men at many schools over the past 5 years in spite of the growing popularity. It was all due to money. At those same schools to your point, I heard of no women’s sports being eliminated.
Ridiculous pandemic sanctions gutted most schools athletic budgets. Title IX didn’t help, but the covid thing was the death blow to the mens sports that put the AD in the red
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