Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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I’ve been looking after dad since mom was in the hospital. In the last month, she’s had a ER visit, 2 days because of double pneumonia and now 5 days in for a broken hip. On top of that, while she’s been in the hospital, the power went out in the complex Saturday at 3 p.m. and didn’t come back on until a little after 8 p.m. today. Even though they think a tornado or downburst happened, it looked like a war zone. That tough old woman called from her hospital room to REU and told them the only way the hospital would let her come home is if the power would be back on before she got home, because she wanted to be home. Even though there were multiple homes still without power, REU called ‘Ms. Wilma’ at 7 something and asked if her power was back on. It wasn’t, but within 20 minutes, it was. That is one tough woman and another reason I look up to her and aspire to be like that one day.
I’ve been looking after dad since mom was in the hospital. In the last month, she’s had a ER visit, 2 days because of double pneumonia and now 5 days in for a broken hip. On top of that, while she’s been in the hospital, the power went out in the complex Saturday at 3 p.m. and didn’t come back on until a little after 8 p.m. today. Even though they think a tornado or downburst happened, it looked like a war zone. That tough old woman called from her hospital room to REU and told them the only way the hospital would let her come home is if the power would be back on before she got home, because she wanted to be home. Even though there were multiple homes still without power, REU called ‘Ms. Wilma’ at 7 something and asked if her power was back on. It wasn’t, but within 20 minutes, it was. That is one tough woman and another reason I look up to her and aspire to be like that one day.
Well good for her! And I'm glad she's home. You've been running so hard. I hope you can catch a break.
True Romance is such an underrated movie
Written by Tarantino. Directed by Tony Scott. Throw into that Christian Slater at his best, classic Christopher Walken and Dennis Hopper, a young James Gandolfini, Gary Oldham with dreads and the already referenced stoner Brad Pitt…embarrassment of production riches.
Yeah...that was overboard...sorry. You are definitely not a nobody.

The constant trashing of our country, and the incessant bitching about how much more money the men's sports make than them, when female sports are not profitable, or are barely profitable in most cases, by a lot of these female athletes has poisoned me to a degree, and that is truly not fair to the good ones.

This world we live in now really gets to me, that is not an excuse..just the truth. I feel like the world we live in hates me, and I hate it back.

I apologize to you and the other common sense ladies of VN for having offended you...I love you guys, but the other ones (the w*** guys and gals, or whatever they identify as today) can kiss my crusty old A double S.
The world today is a hard place. A lot of darkness out there that eats at your soul and constantly breaks your heart.
Written by Tarantino. Directed by Tony Scott. Throw into that Christian Slater at his best, classic Christopher Walken and Dennis Hopper, a young James Gandolfini, Gary Oldham with dreads and the already referenced stoner Brad Pitt…embarrassment of production riches.
Could I have one of those Chesterfields now?…
It’s shocking to see how few people are actually donating. I mean as a fan base we have endured almost 20 years of crap. Complained about other programs dropping bags of money. Now we have the ability to drop legal bags of money and so few want to donate to make that happen.

Agree 100%. I know times are tough, but everyone should be able to donate $5. If every Vol Fan did it they would have millions more in NIL money. I see people constantly talking about being broke and hoping gas doesn't run out before payday. Yet those same ones are chainsmoking cigarettes, have 10 different working vapes, fridge full of beer or a few grams of Gelato sitting in a baggie waiting to be smoked. But can't put $20 Dollars on their kids lunch card.
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