Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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I think that it would be best for college football to be aligned in 5 separate conferences. Perhaps based on geography like the Atlantic coast, south east, Pacific, northern Midwest and southern Midwest. Maybe the two Midwest conferences can call themselves the Big something or some number. Make it easy. Idk. Not fully tested but I think it could work.

It's what people have been talking about and wanting for years..............

Pay the players
Stop playing crappy teams
We neeed a playoff

We got what "we" wanted:rolleyes:
I only wanted the playoff part of that so don’t blame me.
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I did think it was ridiculous when players weren't able to get any remuneration for all the money they helped generate. I wasn't necessarily looking for a system however where some got a bucket full of money and others much less (like it's a professional sport).

And yes, I still like playoffs and want more teams in the playoffs. Again, I wasn't asking for Super Conferences where schools from across the country are in the same conference. I preferred regional lineups of the past.

I'm not loving the direction of college sports overall.

The problem is the NCAA did let people have what they wanted. Alston vs. NCAA didn't actually rule on NIL. It ruled on educational money. The NCAA responded to Alston by saying 'eff it,' to years of working groups that had been preparing NIL with rules to follow and told everyone to follow their state laws (at that time there weren't many laws at all beyond those banning NIL for high schoolers). Now people want the NCAA to do something but the NCAA wants congress to do something so that there's national legislation but that's never gonna happen in any way that people find suitable. It's just not.

If people don't see the direct line let me leave this here - why do you think there's now a push for superconferences? And what do you think will happen to NIL once broadcasters have complete control over those media rights? Will they continue to push for reform once they have us all bundled up in nice packages? This has never been about players. It never will be.
Think I'm gonna wait and see how this all shakes out before getting too fired up about it. Everything changes and evolves. If stadiums are empty and atmosphere dies and the level of play on the field suffers, then it's a concern. If not, IMO, it's an adjustment. I'm gonna love watching football no matter what .
The problem is the NCAA did let people have what they wanted. Alston vs. NCAA didn't actually rule on NIL. It ruled on educational money. The NCAA responded to Alston by saying 'eff it,' to years of working groups that had been preparing NIL with rules to follow and told everyone to follow their state laws (at that time there weren't many laws at all beyond those banning NIL for high schoolers). Now people want the NCAA to do something but the NCAA wants congress to do something so that there's national legislation but that's never gonna happen in any way that people find suitable. It's just not.

If people don't see the direct line let me leave this here - why do you think there's now a push for superconferences? And what do you think will happen to NIL once broadcasters have complete control over those media rights? Will they continue to push for reform once they have us all bundled up in nice packages? This has never been about players. It never will be.
Uh oh. May need this spelled out for me. Answers to your questions? Super Conferences because that gives more control to the NCAA? I'd think NIL stays the same with players getting deals from sponsors.

As for your last comment, it will never be about players just like here in the real world, it's not about workers. The power players control the game (work environment).
To put broadcasters in perspective... Why do you think we weren't given a bowl ban? Why do you think we've heard 15 years of "college football is better when Tennessee is good"? It's not because they love us. It's because we're a cash cow. And one that produces far more milk for them when we're good. Just look at our ratings even when we were bad.

It's what people have been talking about and wanting for years..............

Pay the players
Stop playing crappy teams
We neeed a playoff

We got what "we" wanted:rolleyes:
Truthfully, I think the first domino to fall was way further back - the corporate sponsorship of the bowl games. That began the chain of events leading us to the unraveling of the conferences.
I think that it would be best for college football to be aligned in 5 separate conferences. Perhaps based on geography like the Atlantic coast, south east, Pacific, northern Midwest and southern Midwest. Maybe the two Midwest conferences can call themselves the Big something or some number. Make it easy. Idk. Not fully tested but I think it could work.
giphy (18).gif
Think I'm gonna wait and see how this all shakes out before getting too fired up about it. Everything changes and evolves. If stadiums are empty and atmosphere dies and the level of play on the field suffers, then it's a concern. If not, IMO, it's an adjustment. I'm gonna love watching football no matter what .
I agree to an extent. Though, my interest may wane some just like it has with the NFL. I don't find the NFL nearly as engaging with players having no real allegiance to a team. I'm watching a 'business' instead of a 'sport'.
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It’s already changed a lot…. Most kids have their associates in High school…. My daughter just finished chemistry online during the summer…. My nephew is finishing up his UT degree online…. Even in the early 90’s my DR Klinginfelter chemistry class was on a tv that I watched… I never even met the guy.

You are missing the point- I better not hear what’s good for the student-athlete. It’s hypocrisy.
I agree to an extent. Though, my interest may wane some just like it has with the NFL. I don't find the NFL nearly as engaging with players having no real allegiance to a team. I'm watching a 'business' instead of a 'sport'.
Oh gosh, you have to think this helps NFL immensely.
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It’s already changed a lot…. Most kids have their associates in High school…. My daughter just finished chemistry online during the summer…. My nephew is finishing up his UT degree online…. Even in the early 90’s my DR Klinginfelter chemistry class was on a tv that I watched… I never even met the guy.
I don't like that change. You should have suffered through the 'Klinginfelter' class in person like the rest of us old timers.
The waning interest in the NFL just gave me more free time on the weekends. That won't change.
I fee that way about NCAA sports, sans women's softball, men's baseball, and perhaps bball. The NCAA can suck it. My kids love minor league sports, and collegiate basketball.

I dont like the NFL because it blacks its games out, and is greedy. The politics are fine to me.
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