Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Dobbs' speed was underrated.
Dobbs' elusiveness was underrated.
Dobbs' power was underrated.
Aren't we kinda conveniently forgetting the accuracy problems he had while he was here?

Of course, if he had the QB coaching we have in Knoxville today... he might the returning starter for the Steelers.
Leningrad's offense, bottled up the entire first half, withstood the siege, and marched steadily downfield the entire second half on their way to a big win.
They had a strange hybrid offense... sort of a ground-pounding air offensive.
I just think we have to get this under control.
I have lived in Knoxville, Memphis, Alabama and now in Arkansas. Arkansas is not SEC country. We should have never let them in the SEC. Missouri and A&M are not SEC.
We need a SEC, Western Conference, Northern Conference (Big 10) and Eastern/Atlantic Conference of 16 teams each.

Well, Arkansas is different in some ways, but there are long standing rivalries with Ole Miss that go back to the 1950's. And western Arkansas is cotton country situated in the delta and culturally very much connected to Mississippi and West Tennessee. So, there's some basis for inclusion.
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