Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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It won't impact us or our conference directly, but it is kind of depressing what has happened to CFB.

I'm ready for 4 mega conferences and we can just move on with our lives.

CFB is better than NFL because of so much more than revenue and TV. It sucks it has been boiled down to that.
He cussed that dude out and belittled him in front of the whole team the best I remember.
Correct. Daniel is super religious and was homeschooled. During recruitment, Butch acted like Dabo and talked up his faith and such. Then he picked him and a couple other freshmen out and would bully them all fall camp. He'd do it every year.
RB is going groom these Assistant Coaches he may just be here a few more seasons..... Thought Kim English was going to be the CIW but he took another job a few years back...
We’re gonna have our pick of quality Barnes disciples if we wanna go in that direction. I’m still putting my money on Kim English tho.
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