Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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If you’re waiting to buy it’s a good strategy. Can’t remember who on here that goes with the buy at the last day/2 days strategy but I agree with it. You’ll get tickets at a deep drop in price
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What does SMU bring to anyone? A lot of those Texas schools have been propped up by Texas politicians for eons but without the B12 or similar Texas oriented conference, I don't see where a lot of them can go. Stanford is an academic powerhouse with huge potential in basketball and football. They'd be a credit to any conference. But schools like SMU? They never really belonged in the p5 to begin with.

SMU has money. They were beating and/or very competitive with Texas until the NCAA decided to do something they haven’t done since.

SMU and TCU are rivals and have essentially the same profile. TCU has just gotten into a P5 conference while SMU hasn’t.
So question for those of you out there that might have any insight/info on disability. I got the other half's notice from Social Security that they're doing a review of his case (he has been on medical disability for a few years now) and I'm wondering how nervous should I be? His medical conditions haven't changed - if anything there's been decline - but IDK how any of this works and I don't want me screwing up a form to cost him his disability and medical care. Am I over-worrying? Should I ask his hospice for the social worker to help on this?
He is a VN treasure. He actually pays attention to facts before he formulates an opinion. Pretty much the opposite of about 90% of the posters on here.
What about me?? What makes me VN's greatest treasure???
Well, if you have to ask....
Got a favorite clip of him you’ve seen?

[thats a not so subtle, and lazy, request by me lol]
There are a few on blue-chip breakdowns daily practice videos. He lists the names under each player. I just watch the drills and when someone catches my eye, I rewind and look at the names (if I didn't know who it was already). Several times it's been Seldon. A few "holy crap! this guys gonna be good" clips so far through the fall. He just looks like an upperclassman already, physically. I bet he is freshman all-american level.
Easy now, if we’ve learned anything from VN 🙄. We don’t get too confident. You okay after today buddy? Remember, I offered to drive you. I have a 2017 small compact and still would have stopped at all the truck stop bathroom so you could do a hello to TFG. When stuff slows down for me. Lunch sounds good. I get to pick the place buddy.
😂 That’s how I do it. Worst and best case. Then just say the median is the likely outcome. (That didn’t work last year!) I got in the habit of using McGill for worst case and Bass for best case. Guess I’m just going to have to use Doc for best case from now on!

You got it Cap!

15-0 🤠 🧡🧡🧡
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