Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Even if we didn't take a single more recruit, this class would currently have averaged the 10th-11th best class over the last 4 years. Top-10 3 out of the 4.

And we only have 20 committed...😳
Really excited about this class! Disappointed, but not surprised, at the lack of comments in the Ross thread. Can you imagine how many there would be if he went somewhere else? Not much talk about getting the #1 player in AL. Nothing like what’s his name choosing AL. The total freak out because a player from Tennessee wanted to go out of state!
Really excited about this class! Disappointed, but not surprised, at the lack of comments in the Ross thread. Can you imagine how many there would be if he went somewhere else? Not much talk about getting the #1 player in AL. Nothing like what’s his name choosing AL. The total freak out because a player from Tennessee wanted to go out of state!
Did you forget blue font? Are you serious? The Ross thread is basically a chat room. It’s stressing me out how fast people are posting. 🤷🏻‍♂️
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Yeah. Not tried a brisket either. Expensive and very time consuming!

Have found my chicken turns out better at around 325 though. Keep in mind I'm weird, I suppose, and really will only eat boneless breasts. Did do some wings and everyone seemed to like them. Went hotter on those as well

Go to the Pub and read through that thread. Probably where this conversation is about to be moved to anyway. 😆
Invest in some beef tallow. #Gamechanger
With 10 minutes to go. A two-score lead with 10 minutes left, having played an awesome game up to that point, and we went and blew it. I'm still salty 8 years later.

I was there. When we scored to go up 26-14, a sizable collection of Florida fans started leaving. Then, while everyone around me stared on in befuddlement, we kicked an extra point. An extra point? They're not kicking any field goals this late in the game. But an extra point it was.

I just sank into my seat when Florida scored the go-ahead TD. "We're never going to beat them," I mumbled. "What?" my girlfriend (now wife) asked. "It doesn't matter," I said.

To twist the knife, Medley's long potential winning FG just missed. Then to twist it even more, on the way back to the car I learned that Butch Jones had said we didn't go for 2 because of "the chart."

I drove right back home after the game. We had planned on spending the night, but I couldn't bear another minute in Gainesville. It was such a quiet drive. And a long one.

At least I got 2016 the next year though.
I was there also…😞
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