Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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These CFB journalists love to use "kind of" in their questioning. They borderline meander and hope the players will bless them with some profound statement or answer.
It's really sad how the average competency of journalist (especially in sports) has fallen so far. They pay pennies to sports fans, allow them to go ask random, petty, vague questions, and call them journalists. Pam Oliver used to be the exception example of terrible sports journalist who can't even formulate an intelligent question, but now she's about the average.
This. You know there is some nfl coach out there who thinks he can tame that arm. He'd be a HoF QB if someone can ever get his accuracy and touch figured out. He's got Josh Allen written all over him.
He seems to be plenty accurate on everything but the deep ball...and he even hit those consistently when he came in late in games with no pressure on him. I still think if the coaches limit his chances to throw deep early in the game and give him a lot of 10-15 yard throws, then he'll settle into the game and be more accurate on the deep shots.
Been a huge pet peeve of mine for years. Half the time they don't even ask questions. They already have the angle of their articles in mind and then direct the players/coaches to give them the soundbites/quotes they want. Imperative sentences don't belong in journalism.

The worst is "talk about."

"Talk about when you caught that ball."

"Uh yeah, that was a big play for us."

Such insight!
Man I could rant about this for hours. You nailed it.

My other least favorite is "how does it feel to win this game?" Has anyone ever answered that question in such a way that the question was worth asking? If I and everyone else can already answer the question verbatim ahead of time, the question probably can go unasked.
He seems to be plenty accurate on everything but the deep ball...and he even hit those consistently when he came in late in games with no pressure on him. I still think if the coaches limit his chances to throw deep early in the game and give him a lot of 10-15 yard throws, then he'll settle into the game and be more accurate on the deep shots.
Touch and launch angle is another problem for him. Throwing a laser that literally tears open the flesh of the receivers hand isn't ideal. A short pass over the middle to WR running away from him needs a light touch and a higher angle.

His boundary throws are the best I've seen in college football in a long time, but he's got work to do on most of the others. Some are adequate, some bad, but he's got so much potential.
From what I understand this is not a “rest” move for Willis. Think they may be done with him.
Yeah.. he doesn’t look good at all. I get it. Titans have a $hit OC and injuries everywhere but still. Times where he has time to do something he still hasn’t shown anything to make anyone think he’ll be reasonably better to take over starting duties eventually.
Little River Outfitters? I used to stop in there pretty frequently back in the day.
Man, I haven’t fished in the Smokies in decades. In the late 90s I would go up with a buddy and fish Thunderhead Prong of Sam’s Creek for brookies. (I think that was the stream). Tiny, beautiful fish in a beautiful setting!
Never been a small water guy.

Bigger the water the better. Some folks get into it. Honestly, I cant stand carrying gear that far. Even less so, cant stand standing near someone trying to catch a 1/4" lb brook trout in $1500 waders, with no stream etiquette. Here I am with ripped shorts, no shirt, and sandals.

At least two times in past, ive gotten close to John Beaning someone's ass for walkin' up on my spot. That's when my Ulysses Oblingada kicks in and tells me to move on.

I wouldnt mind guiding a small stream trip. Like the exercise, but I aint carrying anyone's gear. Far as a rowboat, eff that.

Jet boat or naught. Big flies, bigger fish. Stripers, big browns, large and Musky.
It's really sad how the average competency of journalist (especially in sports) has fallen so far. They pay pennies to sports fans, allow them to go ask random, petty, vague questions, and call them journalists. Pam Oliver used to be the exception example of terrible sports journalist who can't even formulate an intelligent question, but now she's about the average.
It all started going downhill with the introduction of 24 hour news networks. They had to be somewhat entertaining to stay alive, so opinion shows masquerading as news shows became predominant. Suddenly the standard of what qualifies as journalism began to be distorted. The introduction of the internet presented a new medium where just about anyone could build a website, post articles, and have a voice. Now you need clickbait titles to get views and pieces written for an audience that won't spend more than five minutes reading an article. The entire sports journalism world is now flooded with "journalists" and the average pay isn't going to attract the most talented crowd. Add in the fact that journalism isn't a very rewarding job anymore nor is it a respected position...even for those who do things the right way. If the public would lose its appetite for clickbait and sensationalism, then real journalism could shine through...but we're past the point of no return. There are still some great journalists in sports and other beats, but you've got to dig for them.

Part of my degree is in journalism and I wanted to go into sports journalism but saw the early signs of where that field was headed with the internet. I opted to go a different route. It's unfortunate what media corporations chasing profits and consumers with low standards have done to the field.
If he looks even remotely competent they need to start him @ Jax, too. Willis ain't it by a damn sight.

The legend of Josh Dobbs in Tennessee would grow exponentially if he were able to come in with 2-3 weeks to learn the system and win a game for the Titans that clinched the division and a playoff berth. Not even a Titans fan and I’m here for it.
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