Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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I somebody wants to have a women's football league, then they should have a women's football league. At least let them wear clothes. Oh wait... the only reason anyone would pay to watch women play football is if they are half nekkid with their butts and boobs hanging out.

No offense to the ladies on here. I think this is about the most misogynist thing I have seen in while.
I agree it is the most disgusting thing I have ever watched for 59:14.........
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I find this mesmerizing and wrong at the same time.
If it pays, and they want to play. Go for it. No one is holding them at ransom to do it. Im sure the women would prefer to play with clothes on. I would rather personally, a kick in the nuts than to pay money to watch women play meaningless, half naked football. But hey, to each their own.
Actually it could be posited you've argued he's the greatEST.

No. I said he WOULD be the greatest. As in future tense. All I've ever said about him in the present tense is he's as talented as anyone I've seen. Talent doesn't equal necessarily equal greatness.

Reading comprehension matters.
Joe Milton catching rabbits story has me laughing hard lol
Those are two of my favorite guys on the team. Both have been written off by a lot of folks at different times in their careers here and stuck it out. Would be awesome if they could end the season with a win and build momentum for next year.
If it pays, and they want to play. Go for it. No one is holding them at ransom to do it. Im sure the women would prefer to play with clothes on. I would rather personally, a kick in the nuts than to pay money to watch women play meaningless, half naked football. But hey, to each their own.
What a coincidence…. I would rather kick you in the nuts than watch…… well, maybe not. 😁
No. I said he WOULD be the greatest. As in future tense. All I've ever said about him in the present tense is he's as talented as anyone I've seen. Talent doesn't equal necessarily equal greatness.

Reading comprehension matters.

I'm not going to dumb this down for you again. (and your lack of general comprehension) It is impossible (as in literally impossible) to predict someone be the greatest at something without there being an express assertion of that being who and what they are. I'll use the analogy again. You cannot state you think person X is going to set the WR in an upcoming 100m without it being absolutely inextricably tied to stating you believe they're the fastest 100m sprinter ever. Can't be done.

In other news it appears Dobbs is getting the start tonight which should make all of us keenly interested. Hope he does well.
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