Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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You cannot state you think person X is going to set the WR in an upcoming 100m without it being absolutely inextricably tied to stating you believe they're the fastest 100m sprinter ever. Can't be done.

True. But you can't say someone is the greatest sprinter ever just because he sets the world record at one event once. Was Maurice Green the greatest sprinter ever because he set the world record once at the 100m in 1999? Or was Michael Johnson still the greatest given the totality of his career achievements?

Greatness is about a body of work. It takes time. You don't get it because you display more talent than anyone else in history just once. Usain Bolt didn't become the greatest sprinter of all-time after his first record breaking sprint. He became the greatest after dominating multiple international tournaments in a row. Setting record after record.
True. But you can't say someone is the greatest sprinter ever just because he sets the world record at one event once. Was Maurice Green the greatest sprinter ever because he set the world record once at the 100m in 1999? Or was Michael Johnson still the greatest given the totality of his career achievements?

Greatness is about a body of work. It takes time. You don't get it because you display more talent than anyone else in history just once. Usain Bolt didn't become the greatest sprinter of all-time after his first record breaking sprint. He became the greatest after dominating multiple international tournaments in a row. Setting record after record.
I don’t know if there’s interest on either side, but I wonder if Heupel is going after Seth Littrell, former North Texas head coach. They played with each other at OU and he’s coached tight ends at a lot of his stops. Plus, I know we’ve been linked to the UNT transfer TE.

Again just me trying to make connections and I have nothing with substance, but he is a really well thought of coach.
This. I'm super intrigued as to what happens at that position next week.
They are not protecting anybody as far as QB's are concerned. Vrabel knows he has little or nothing left to work with and I hope he realizes the OC has got to go as well. He is trying to protect Henry but as a whole the team is beat up plain and simple and add to that the talent level has taken a turn for the worse over the last few years. No OL and no WR does little to advance anybodys career on that side of the ball and all it is now is survival mode and hope they can pick up some players in free agency and be much better in the draft
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I don’t know if there’s interest on either side, but I wonder if Heupel is going after Seth Littrell, former North Texas head coach. They played with each other at OU and he’s coached tight ends at a lot of his stops. Plus, I know we’ve been linked to the UNT transfer TE.

Again just me trying to make connections and I have nothing with substance, but he is a really well thought of coach.
It was discussed some in the VQ podcast today. Littrell was named and AP mentioned Heupel may even go after someone in the NFL.
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True. But you can't say someone is the greatest sprinter ever just because he sets the world record at one event once. Was Maurice Green the greatest sprinter ever because he set the world record once at the 100m in 1999? Or was Michael Johnson still the greatest given the totality of his career achievements?

Greatness is about a body of work. It takes time. You don't get it because you display more talent than anyone else in history just once. Usain Bolt didn't become the greatest sprinter of all-time after his first record breaking sprint. He became the greatest after dominating multiple international tournaments in a row. Setting record after record.

Sprinting is a sport with a pretty singular measure of performance. I think the fastest runner in history has a pretty fair claim to being the GOAT because of the narrow focus.

I hope you are right about Dobbs and he sets the world on fire tonight.
@peaygolf if you see orange in the stand for FSU game. That's me.
Actually thought about going to Orlando for todays game and then driving to Miami for tomorrows game..............I'm too old to do that now.

I did go see the Citrus Bowl (vs PSU) in 1994....................and then left in time to make it to the Orange Bowl (FSU/Neb) that night
Are the Titans starting Dobbs or protecting Malik? Feels like the latter when you consider all the guys out.
Dobbs is a sacrifical rent a player that may get a shot if he performs well and Willis will be given a chance in the summer but will have a tough time making the roster next year. If they draft a QB in the first 3 rounds that will tell a lot. Vrabel needs to look at the SC coach and fitness program as well because their injury record is unreal and that has got to be remedied. OC is a problem as far as what they have put on the field from the preseason on this year. When I can sit in my Living Room and tell you what plays they are going to run, you know Pro DC knows what's coming as well. Henry right, Henry left, out route to a WR or TE.....Punt.
True. But you can't say someone is the greatest sprinter ever just because he sets the world record at one event once. Was Maurice Green the greatest sprinter ever because he set the world record once at the 100m in 1999? Or was Michael Johnson still the totality of his career achievements?

Greatness is about a body of work. It takes time. You don't get it because you display more talent than anyone else in history just once. Usain Bolt didn't become the greatest sprinter of all-time after his first record breaking sprint. He became the greatest after dominating multiple international tournaments in a row. Setting record after record.

I love that you just got through admonishing me for lack of reading comprehension and then swapped out my use of "fastest" for the more nebulous "greatest". I chose my words carefully.

And actually yes regarding Bolt. Consistency is nice but if Bolt had started his career running a 9.58 and retired everyone in the sprinting world would have been in his shadow. That's STILL .11 faster than anyone else has ever run. Someone could pile up a decade of gold medals and the conversation would still eventually come back to how that person's times compared to that 9.58. That's because WR are absolutes, particularly if they're way out in front of everyone else. Bad example on your part.

I'm sympathetic to the idea that some sports value "body of work" more than others and football does that moreso than track. Changes nothing about the simple fact that if you're going to dub someone the "Michael Jordan of football." you're saying they're good enough to be just that. I know it, you know it.

I'm also sick of chasing this all over the place. Looks like Josh will be playing tonight so let's just go with what we see there. For better or worse (hopefully better) that'll at least be something tangible.
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