Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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It made me laugh hearing the ESPN crew spouting Clemson love on one of their multitude of shows where idiots talk and push a specific agenda. They were saying how Clemson has a roster to compete for championships. Maybe ACC championships but the Clemson team I watched get stomped last night has no business being hyped to that level.

We are going to be pulling a lot of NC, SC, GA and TN recruits that they would normally land. They will fade as a program the more we ascend back to our rightful position and as FSU also continues to get better and keeps FL kids who want to play in the ACC, along with Miami recruiting well. Clemson had their run but that is coming to an end.
I won't name names because I know I'll leave someone out,

but those of you who stayed positive this year, kept things in perspective, saw the huge improvement, and encouraged the rest of us to do the same.....

I hope you enjoyed this game and season so much you can't wipe the smile off your face even if you try. You deserve it.
We all do
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