Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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I won't name names because I know I'll leave someone out,

but those of you who stayed positive this year, kept things in perspective, saw the huge improvement, and encouraged the rest of us to do the same.....

I hope you enjoyed this game and season so much you can't wipe the smile off your face even if you try. You deserve it.
First, all praise to God. I'd like to thank my wife and kids. One of my parents. My agent, and of course the academy...
Our Defense played the worst game I've ever seen. Why?... That's the question.
It was just the definition of a perfect 💩storm. There was no one reason, there were a whole bunch of 💩ty reasons that just all went wrong at the same time.

Overconfident ✔️

Lazy unfocused play ✔️

Defensive gameplan based on what they had done all season being totally 100% wrong ✔️

Zero adjustment to that obviously wrong gameplan during the game ✔️

Injuries ✔️

Whatever the **** happened to Jeremy Banks causing him to miss at the last f'n minute ✔️

Rattler's immense innate talent finally coming through ✔️

A pissed off-fired up team that looked like they had rolled over and quit the week before, for some weird reason...along with their turn this into their Super Bowl and playing with their hair on fire while our guys were sleepwalking and thinking they could just throw empty unis out in the field and win ✔️
Legggggoooo Frogs
I wish the other game was first.

If UGA wins - go Michigan

If OSU wins - go TCU

Point being, I want UGA challenged vs the most talented teams. TCU feels like a K State vs Bama...that would simply be outclassed. Jmo

It's all about UGA losing and anyone else winning it all. TCU would be optimal though for sure...🙏🙏
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