Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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ESPN stirring the pot…

Watch this closely…right after the defender gets up, he looks back and pumps his fist. Is he pumping that Harrison didn’t catch the ball or that Harrison isn’t getting up? Did Kirby basically give a command to knock Harrison out of the game? Things that make you go 🤔
Watch this closely…right after the defender gets up, he looks back and pumps his fist. Is he pumping that Harrison didn’t catch the ball or that Harrison isn’t getting up? Did Kirby basically give a command to knock Harrison out of the game? Things that make you go 🤔
Yep. GA's secondary was getting worked by him until then. Occam's Razor.
Watch this closely…right after the defender gets up, he looks back and pumps his fist. Is he pumping that Harrison didn’t catch the ball or that Harrison isn’t getting up? Did Kirby basically give a command to knock Harrison out of the game? Things that make you go 🤔
I mean the hit was clean. Shoulder to chest/shoulder. No head contact. These things happen when your QB lobs the ball in the Air and expects you to just stand under it for 5 seconds before it gets to you.
I was born in Michigan and moved to Ohio when I was 10. I was a Michigan fan back in the Bo and Woody days. It was hard to be a UM fan in Ohio. OSU fans were so arrogant.

Only 1 team I hate more than OSU…ND. I was smart enough to go to UT, but those old roots still run deep.

I didn’t root for UM against TCU for at least 3 reasons. Don’t like Harbaugh, been ages since I lived in MI, and I live in the DFW area now. Nice to see TCU come out with a win.

Yep, had enough of the arrogance of the bucks when I lived up there as well. The difference is I could not stand Michigan and Notre Dame as well. Could not wait to get back to TN and The Hill(s). At one time they had CFB by the throat with all the media support up there. But those days are long gone in reality. All they have is the media shilling for them now.

They will be spinning all this year about how they got 2 teams in the playoffs. Who played crap schedules and lost despite having the officials in both pockets during their playoff games.
I mean the hit was clean. Shoulder to chest/shoulder. No head contact. These things happen when your QB lobs the ball in the Air and expects you to just stand under it for 5 seconds before it gets to you.


You are messing up the narrative. They are on a roll.

Seriously, are the defenders just supposed to watch and not unload on anybody now? If so the game is done. Make the hit according to the rules, but football is football and it is not playing patty cake. Don't want anybody to get hurt, but the game is what it is and guys get hurt every single game that is played.

You are messing up the narrative. They are on a roll.

Seriously, are the defenders just supposed to watch and not unload on anybody now? If so the game is done. Make the hit according to the rules, but football is football and it is not playing patty cake. Don't want anybody to get hurt, but the game is what it is and guys get hurt every single game that is played.
Lol! I did not have a narrative, but I just happen to notice it when I watched the replay and was curious if anyone else saw him pump his fist. I’m sure it was in response to Harrison, not holding onto the ball, but I was just wondering if anyone thought something else. Also, I live in Georgia, and really needed them to lose! We all know that they will run TCU out of the stadium.
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