Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Defense attacking
Beasley still sacking
Joe Quarterbacking
His laser tracking

Dabo remains puzzled
Tigers are muzzled
O and D hustled
Heupel unrustled

An incredible year
The SEC better fear
Surely y'all hear?
This Tennessee cheer!!

The Big Orange Bowl
Clemson paid that toll
This rhyme went all whack
Cause Tennessee is Back.

It don't matter!!

Vols By Fiddy!!!

Simply an incredible year. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine 11-2 with wins over Florida, Bama and Clemson. It truly is great to be a Tennessee Vol!!!!!!

I saw it… not the uga or south carolina games. I thoroughly expected to beat clenson in a playoff game but couldn’t see who we beat in the NC to go 15-0 🤠

11-2 🤠 is awesome, especially since 2023 is gonna be better and that’s just the beginning 🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠
Meanwhile, at an LSU recruiting event....

"All right fellas! Now coming to the main stage....give it up for...Sally!"

Whoa...whoa.. whoa! No real names while on stage. What is this amateur hour? If you already have a stripper name for a real name then you have to change it.

Fixed it.
Guys and gals me and the kids could use all the prayers you can muster. Friday I went and filed for a divorce, also filed for full custody of my 10 year old son, that should give a hint to what’s taking place. The hardest thing I’ve ever had to do is sit my youngest down and explain this to him. Tore my heart out.
Prayers sent
Guys and gals me and the kids could use all the prayers you can muster. Friday I went and filed for a divorce, also filed for full custody of my 10 year old son, that should give a hint to what’s taking place. The hardest thing I’ve ever had to do is sit my youngest down and explain this to him. Tore my heart out.
So sorry you're going through this...🙏
11-2 what a year!! One of my best football memories was after the Bama game my boss texted me " Wow! what a game! I am a closet Vol fan by the way, see you Tuesday!" I am the only Vol nut at my work and they all know how much that game meant to me. My boss gave me Monday off and listed me as working from home. I can't work from home lol. Happy New Year's Morans! 2023 is going to be awesome!!
Random post incoming..

Was watching a WW1 vid on YouTube and this war historian is talking about how great the British were at using the Lee-Enfield rifle...One soldier at the battle of Ypres shot 37 rounds in one minute scoring 22 kills at 300 yards with iron sights..that is absolutely insane 😳
Sounds nearly impossible. I couldn't get 1 kill. . . can't even see 300yds, 😆
Random post incoming..

Was watching a WW1 vid on YouTube and this war historian is talking about how great the British were at using the Lee-Enfield rifle...One soldier at the battle of Ypres shot 37 rounds in one minute scoring 22 kills at 300 yards with iron sights..that is absolutely insane 😳
I think someone got into your moonshine on writing that one. The Lee-Enfield is a bolt action rifle that holds a ten round magazine. I would think 15 accurate rounds with one re-load would about be the max.
I like Tess and McElroy more than any other announcing crew, but that got very very tiring
Meh...the producers just decided ahead of time to invest heavily in Klubnik having a big "Star is Born" moment...considering the damage other QBs have done to us, and conversely Milton's uncertainty of success, it was a reasonable conclusion to make.

I get why they thought that sequence of events had a high probability of happening...but it was really irritating and became infuriating as it became more and more clear that we were going to win.
Guys and gals me and the kids could use all the prayers you can muster. Friday I went and filed for a divorce, also filed for full custody of my 10 year old son, that should give a hint to what’s taking place. The hardest thing I’ve ever had to do is sit my youngest down and explain this to him. Tore my heart out.
I’m so sorry. You are VN’s ultimate “like” giver but I hate this for you. So tough. Praying for you as you navigate this.
I've heard the on air rules experts say many times that primary contact is what they're looking at.

Maybe they're not experts? Maybe you misunderstood? Idk. If you really want to know, all i can say is read the explanation I linked from the SEC or look up the rule youself.

The real problem is, try as they might, it's still subjective.
Worked a charm last year too, when Bama's best two WRs went down.

I'm all for football remaining a contact sport, but the arguments about player safety are stupid. It's a better sport when quality players aren't getting hurt, whether the other team or us. We complained bitterly about the Akron guys injuring our guys...but I bet they just say "that's football bro". It was also football in the 70s, but half of those guys don't remember their own name now. Yeah...great for the sport.
Injuries are always going to be a part of the game. I hate this bubble wrap 💩. If guys don't want to play, they don't have to....nobody makes them. I support safety to a degree, but I don't give a 💩 about watching flag football.
Random post incoming..

Was watching a WW1 vid on YouTube and this war historian is talking about how great the British were at using the Lee-Enfield rifle...One soldier at the battle of Ypres shot 37 rounds in one minute scoring 22 kills at 300 yards with iron sights..that is absolutely insane 😳

Confirmed, of course?
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Well, the following screenshot will eliminate him launching, crouch with upward thrust, or initiating contact with the crown of the helmet since his head is clearly in front of the facemask and it is his earhole, not the crown. That leaves the following of the required indicators...

Leading with helmet, shoulder, forearm, fist, hand or elbow to attack with forcible contact at the head or neck area.

Did he lead with contact to the head or the shoulder/arm area where the ball was and then with additional contact by their heads.

But above all the wording of the rule is...

“Targeting” means that a player takes aim at an opponent for purposes of attacking with forcible contact that goes beyond making a legal tackle or a legal block or playing the ball. Some indicators of targeting include but are not limited to:

Another view showing the defenders trajectory which I think does not support targeting due to attacking the ball not the head and neck area.

So should replay have decided there was a required indicator since the initial contact was on the shoulder pads? Not a no-brainer.

I think your last sentence is the most important one, and I agree with you.

I don't see anything in your post about a defenseless player. The rules are different in that case.
Guys and gals me and the kids could use all the prayers you can muster. Friday I went and filed for a divorce, also filed for full custody of my 10 year old son, that should give a hint to what’s taking place. The hardest thing I’ve ever had to do is sit my youngest down and explain this to him. Tore my heart out.
man i'm really sorry to hear. Im praying for you.
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