Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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It made me think back to the Peach Bowl against them. That was just a 13 pt loss, but it was pretty embarrassing at the time as #6 vs an unranked.

Though looking back, Clemson had upset #3 FSU the month before, before thrashing Duke and USCjr. Guess something clicked for them, but it was a crappy loss. Didn't even know who Clemson was or where they were located back then. They were absolute nobodies across college sports.
Fulmer sucked at getting those early aught teams ready for playing in a few bowls...the loss to Maryland was a even bigger embarrassment.

Those two losses pissed me off so bad because itcwas obvious the team just didn't give a crap about playing and being competitive..🤬
Fulmer sucked at getting those early aught teams ready for playing in a few bowls...the loss to Maryland was a even bigger embarrassment.

Those two losses pissed me off so bad because itcwas obvious the team just didn't give a crap about playing and being competitive..🤬
Our championship is this week. I’ve had Hurts and Tua all year…..picked up Fields just to have a QB……:rolleyes:

Need Tee Higgins to score 24 pts to win
I had the best draft i've ever had. Needed it by the way with 14 teams this year.

First time my starters at the end of the year are players I drafted (other than defense and kicker)Screenshot_20230101_213444_Fantasy.jpg
I've heard the on air rules experts say many times that primary contact is what they're looking at.
I have heard that as well, but if that is how it will be enforced, then that is how it should be written. It is a very difficult call, no doubt. You have to take the impact of players being disqualified out of the equation if you are the reviewer. It should be was it unsafe to the degree of targeting or was it not? Not arguing that you have said anything different, but this rule needs to be looked at yet again. I think it has swung back in the other direction that they are erring on the side of it not being targeting because of the disqualification aspect of it.
I think someone got into your moonshine on writing that one. The Lee-Enfield is a bolt action rifle that holds a ten round magazine. I would think 15 accurate rounds with one re-load would about be the max.
Watch the vid "Facing down a Lee-Enfield at Ypres in WW1" by the channel "War Stories"..I didn't just make the 💩 up. I just told what the historian said happened. I know exactly what a f'n Lee-Enfield is...I am sitting here watching the freakin Documentary. The British were famous for the "Mad Minute" it is one of the biggest reasons why the comparatively tiny BEF was so great on battle in 1914.

Don't call me a liar...if you don't believe it, then that is fine, but I did not just make it up.
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So night court is coming back... With John

These reboots hardly ever work. The original show was funny because of the actors at the time. Trying to repeat it with different people or even the same actors 25 years later is a recipe for failure in most cases.
Merry New Year VolNation!

Hope all are doing well and enjoyed time with family.

I had to take a couple weeks off since ESD with all the negativity. Was frankly too much and a mindset I won’t deal with anymore after this 15 years of crap honestly. Is it safe to say the “Fahr Tim Banks and Fahr Joe Milton”crew are finally gone?

Anyway, great game, great year, and a great future ahead of us! Let’s all enjoy this, let’s enjoy some good basketball and baseball, and let’s all savor this time and not take it for granted.

Go Big Orange 🍊

They’re gone if you put them on ignore!
Agree. Feels like I wasted all those good years constantly worrying about the next win or next recruit or next season or next poll or next bowl. What did it get me? Nothing.

Trying to just enjoy whatever good comes our way when it comes our way. I am a whole lot happier!

(Although my husband said last night I could be the woman in the Dr. Pepper commercial who screams when the young guy says it’s just a game. 😂 Maybe I need more work in this area.)
Maybe you need some relief, even though you’re not going to get it for a bit. You’ve got 🧡🧡 here even though it’s not enough sometimes, but it is when you need it. I hope you find time to post results after the doctor’s visit tomorrow.
I had no idea it was Dabo’s son that was stopped on Clemson’s fake field goal. Man, this victory gets sweeter and Sweener. I’ll see myself out. Good night VN. Happy New Year.
And, Herbstreit was right I believe. If he had pitched it instead of keeping it, it is at least a First down and maybe a TD.
Just sharing what I watched. I know the small professional British Expeditionary Force entering WW1 excelled and are famous for the "Mad Minute"...I wouldn't put it past the best of the best of the best of that already great shooting force being able to pull it off.
I believe there were some crazy things that happened. Was a war like any other with advancements in technology along with absolute old word fighting techniques. Battle lines where people were sitting ducks combined with automatic weaponry, lent to huge death tolls.
Guys and gals me and the kids could use all the prayers you can muster. Friday I went and filed for a divorce, also filed for full custody of my 10 year old son, that should give a hint to what’s taking place. The hardest thing I’ve ever had to do is sit my youngest down and explain this to him. Tore my heart out.
Can’t like that but sure will be praying for y’all! So sorry!
Guys and gals me and the kids could use all the prayers you can muster. Friday I went and filed for a divorce, also filed for full custody of my 10 year old son, that should give a hint to what’s taking place. The hardest thing I’ve ever had to do is sit my youngest down and explain this to him. Tore my heart out.
That's heart breaking thing to have to do. Just having to go through it is hard enough. Praying for you.
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