Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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You know what I just realized?

How is Caleb Williams' finger nail obscenities not am Unsportsmanlike Conduct? That's unsportsmanlike by definition, and its directed to the opponent.

They wouldn't allow a player to go Double Gauldens to the opponent's bench. They wouldn't let a player wear a bracelet or socks or shoes with that on there would they? So how does he get away with that?

First play should be a penalty. If he doesn't remove it the second would ve a disqualification for his second Unsportsmanlike penalty.

Am I becoming an old geezer?
Absolutely agree. We keep compromising standards of decency to line up with what passes for culture. Coach should not allow this either. Also, there was a big outcry over Bible verses on eye black at one time if I recall. Usual double standard.
Hope he gets drafted into a division where he has to go against Darnell multiple times per year
I knew an insurance adjuster who said it was part of their policy to pretty much pay out any claim in LA, because it was almost a guarantee that if it went to court the jury would side with the plaintiff, no matter how ridiculous the claim.

And as a result, insurance rates in the state are sky high. There are aspects of the state that are nice, but having lived there, having family there, and having to go there often for work, it is among my least favorite places.
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And as a result, insurance rates in the state are sky high. There are aspects of the state that are nice, but having lived there, having family there, and having to go there often for work, it is among my least favorite places.
Economics always wins in the end lol
You know what I just realized?

How is Caleb Williams' finger nail obscenities not am Unsportsmanlike Conduct? That's unsportsmanlike by definition, and its directed to the opponent.

They wouldn't allow a player to go Double Gauldens to the opponent's bench. They wouldn't let a player wear a bracelet or socks or shoes with that on there would they? So how does he get away with that?

First play should be a penalty. If he doesn't remove it the second would ve a disqualification for his second Unsportsmanlike penalty.

Am I becoming an old geezer?
It's mind blowing how he can give a permanent middle finger and no one cares
The best is the enemy of the good. Did we not punch it in in both cases? A TD is great, buy I'm not going to get all uptight about these ginormous splash plays that led directly to scores.
He was being tongue-in-cheek. It's not that serious.
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Random post incoming..

Was watching a WW1 vid on YouTube and this war historian is talking about how great the British were at using the Lee-Enfield rifle...One soldier at the battle of Ypres shot 37 rounds in one minute scoring 22 kills at 300 yards with iron sights..that is absolutely insane 😳

Not exactly questioning it...but curious what is their methodology to come to this statistic, in the brutal midst of actual war?

Always curious about methodologies to come to wild things. Outer space stuff especially...though every time they have some mathematical model that is way beyond me, so I just have to shrug my shoulders and go
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