Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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From what I recall of the little Walker Merrill has played, he looked like a smooth route runner. If we rotated our WRs more I'd be surprised he wasn't seeing the field, but we seem to stick with the same guys pretty much, unless there's an injury. I think Bru and Squirrel have pretty much cemented their spots for next year. Not as sure about Keyton as the coaches want to bring in another WR. And knowing the coaches are looking to bring in another WR, I can see why WM would want to look around.
Looks like helmet contact to me in the video "Ale"x posted - water under the bridge as they say, but given Smart's post-game comments after we played them, I'd say he'd put the word out.

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They literally replayed it from every angle. There was never any H2H contact. I mean even in the live replay from multiple angles slowed down there was 0 H2H contact.
You don’t get knocked out from shoulder to chest hits. Y’all denying there was helmet to helmet are blind or didn’t watch the replays.
Ever heard of a Stinger?

Harrison turns his head before the hit. Anticipating it.

A stinger that is severe enough will knock you out of a game. I’ve had one that temporarily paralyzed me for about a minute.
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I feel sorry for her, regardless. If it is true, then she either made the choice or something even more shady was going on. Even if she made the choice, to have her be the source of all these jokes is difficult. She has a family somewhere. JMO.
While 20 years ago, I most certainly would have agreed with you, and still do deep down...regardless, I feel sorry for her; but, now days, there's many in our society that wear such things as badges of honor and courage...and, don't want our sympathy.
They literally replayed it from every angle. There was never any H2H contact. I mean even in the live replay from multiple angles slowed down there was 0 H2H contact.
I saw a replay where their helmets hit, but it was incidental contact. He didn't lead with his helmet.
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While 20 years ago, I most certainly would have agreed with you, and still do deep down...regardless, I feel sorry for her; but, now days, there's many in our society that wear such things as badges of honor and courage...and, don't want our sympathy.
That's probably true.
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I saw a replay where their helmets hit, but it was incidental contact. He didn't lead with his helmet.
Yes I guess that’s the better way to put it. Shoulder hit first and then obviously there is whiplash effect. So possible incidental from the initial hit.

Good point.
It’s all about how she runs with it. This is Kardashion level publicity.
It didn’t exactly ruin Kim’s or the rest of the families life
@drvenner this is what I'm talking about.

While you are not wrong, about publicity, Kardashians, cashing in, and all that...I come from a time and place whenever a gangbang was, and should be, a many ways.
You know what I just realized?

How is Caleb Williams' finger nail obscenities not am Unsportsmanlike Conduct? That's unsportsmanlike by definition, and its directed to the opponent.

They wouldn't allow a player to go Double Gauldens to the opponent's bench. They wouldn't let a player wear a bracelet or socks or shoes with that on there would they? So how does he get away with that?

First play should be a penalty. If he doesn't remove it the second would ve a disqualification for his second Unsportsmanlike penalty.

Am I becoming an old geezer?
Same reason Gator players can chomp and opposing players cannot. Selective enforcement.
@drvenner this is what I'm talking about.

While you are not wrong, about publicity, Kardashians, cashing in, and all that...I come from a time and place whenever a gangbang was, and should be, a many ways.
That changed when a certain someone didn't have sexual relations with that woman.....
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