Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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That can’t happen to a player and staff member. Players are students, and that’s a different standard with it being a university employee.

I get all of that. I’m just surprised that in such a progressive society we still allow that kind of judgment in general. “Y’all had sex so you can’t work here anymore.”

Our culture frowns upon individuals judging the legal sexual choices of consenting adults, but we still allow institutions to implement policies that judge the legal sexual choices of consenting adults. Seems problematic.
You know what I just realized?

How is Caleb Williams' finger nail obscenities not am Unsportsmanlike Conduct? That's unsportsmanlike by definition, and its directed to the opponent.

They wouldn't allow a player to go Double Gauldens to the opponent's bench. They wouldn't let a player wear a bracelet or socks or shoes with that on there would they? So how does he get away with that?

First play should be a penalty. If he doesn't remove it the second would ve a disqualification for his second Unsportsmanlike penalty.

Am I becoming an old geezer?
Yes, but a correct old geezer.
That Rose Bowl stadium is cute. Which high school team plays there during the season?
It’s no Neyland but make no mistake, the sunset on The San Gabriel Mountains while watching a football game inside the Rose Bowl is very beautiful. I’m thankful to have been there and watched a game.
Why is he announcing this on Twitter? What ever happened to just keep your mouth shut and do your job? If you decide to leave or retire, then provide adequate notice to your employer. It’s like he’s let us know he’s not entering the transfer portal. Maybe I’m too cynical here as I have never tweeted or set up Twitter.
He is a fan making fun of player announcements?
I get all of that. I’m just surprised that in such a progressive society we still allow that kind of judgment in general. “Y’all had sex so you can’t work here anymore.”

Our culture frowns upon individuals judging the legal sexual choices of consenting adults, but we still allow institutions to implement policies that judge the legal sexual choices of consenting adults. Seems problematic.
I think the concern is that people are using their position to get others to have sex with them. Or more accurately, they're concerned a clever lawyer will spin it that way. It has nothing to do with morality.
I get all of that. I’m just surprised that in such a progressive society we still allow that kind of judgment in general. “Y’all had sex so you can’t work here anymore.”

Our culture frowns upon individuals judging the legal sexual choices of consenting adults, but we still allow institutions to implement policies that judge the legal sexual choices of consenting adults. Seems problematic.

They are judging the decisions of consenting adults because there are other adults that are affected by those decisions. It’s a legal nightmare for many parties when there are no guidelines whatsoever. When you can move up in an organization by hooking up with someone, it ceases to being about skill.

Each organization has different ways they handle it, and married/couples can certainly work at the same employer. But I don’t see why it’s difficult to understand why guidelines are in place.
I get all of that. I’m just surprised that in such a progressive society we still allow that kind of judgment in general. “Y’all had sex so you can’t work here anymore.”

Our culture frowns upon individuals judging the legal sexual choices of consenting adults, but we still allow institutions to implement policies that judge the legal sexual choices of consenting adults. Seems problematic.

As a leader, you don't want your employees engaging in sexuall relationships. It is just a recipe for a messed up department/section/group/division. People start seeing favoritism whether it is there or not and resentment will invariably arrive on the scene. I don't care what my employees do when they leave the office. I don't care what sort of sexual relationships they choose to have as long as they are legal and consensual. I would have issues with two employees sleeping together or dating. If/When that relationship ends the morale of the team will officially be in the toilet and somebody is going to get transferred or just straight fired.
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