Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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@BaldBiker I need to confirm the dates for the Orange Bowl victory celebration party at your house in Myrtle Beach. I have to ask off from work. I will be bringing the Natty Lite. TIA.
Ummmmm.....oops. Did USPS not get your invitation to you in time? The party started 3 days before the game. Ended 5 minutes ago. Hate that you missed it. It was awesome. I paid for everything...and even invited Destiny!
Most every male on this website is sleeping with their superior in the organization of marriage.
Absolutely not true. My wife and I divide things up equally. She makes all the small decisions and I make all the big ones. Been married 38 years and if we ever have a big decision to make I'll be ready.
Ummmmm.....oops. Did USPS not get your invitation to you in time? The party started 3 days before the game. Ended 5 minutes ago. Hate that you missed it. It was awesome. I paid for everything...and even invited Destiny!
That's one way to top cheagle rides.
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@drvenner this is what I'm talking about.

While you are not wrong, about publicity, Kardashians, cashing in, and all that...I come from a time and place whenever a gangbang was, and should be, a many ways.
I don’t feel sorry for her at all. She made her choices (if true), again, if true, if there’s anyone I feel sorry for, it’s her family that have to face it. She had a good job and CHOSE this.

Coming back from bowl practices I see how much growth I’ll need,” Umarov said. “Just looking at the tempo and the way the players practice, I see the amount of work I have to put in and that excites me.

“It was pretty cool. When hitting players, it’s a totally different experience than hitting high school players. Some of them didn’t move. The tempo was the biggest thing. How fast everything goes, the amount of work in little of time.”
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