Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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3,5 million people die a year in this country, that means 1 out of every 98 people you know has should be a reality for all of us on a real level..
I think one of the biggest reasons is that we have it a lot easier than people in years past…. An old saying that I find true….. Hard times create strong men/women…. Strong men/women create good times…. Good times create weak men/women….. weak men/women create Hard times….. that’s not true for everyone during these different eras but they definitely had more to deal with than us.
Is Small having the same surgery he had last offseason?


People need to put some respect on Jabari Small’s name…… He played in every game last year except the lower level teams( he did get knocked out in couple after giving it ago) At times….. he could barely utilize his arm and he still went out there on that field….. He has played hurt for two straight years…. People whined about losing Tiyon Evans…. That guy sat out every time he pulled a pubic hair…..Jabari Small is what a true VFL looks like.
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I'm not. Very much appreciate being relevant every year.

Same here. I have some friends that can't stand Rick Barnes. I always tell them we can just hire another Donnie and go to the tourney every few years at best or we can have Rick Barnes and enjoy the product on the floor while accepting that we probably will exit March early a lot of times.
I have heard the exact same thing. I still have not gotten covid so I cannot compare.
First time I had it was August. It was pretty tough first days, maybe 3. I am thrice vaxxed. There was one episode fhe first day back to work driving to Roan Mtn, where pretty sure my Oxygen levels dropped quickly. Had to pull over, turn around and went home.

It was basically just unrelenting tiredness. Same this time.

Nothing like flu folks have experienced.
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